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It is not clear to me what version of Visual Studio you installed on your system and if you tried 
running it in the first place, as Regina suggested in a follow up e-mail. Please open Visual 
Studio, write a small hello world, compile and run it to verify your installation of the VC++ 

PS: Please don't use attached screenshots to report errors and warnings, use a pastebin and simple 


On Oct 10, 2017, at 7:55 AM, wrote:

Hi Shinnok,

Just a follow up on previous mail. Please let me know if there is any
other alternative or suggestions.

Thank you.

Koushik Sekhar

On Mon, October 2, 2017 8:27 pm, wrote:
Hi Shinnok,

I have setup the basic environment for LibreOffice Document Project. I am
facing issues while running the build for libo core. I have also
explicitly specified the JDK and the Microsoft Visual Studio versions
when I run the \ file but I am still getting errors. I have
attached the screenshot of the error for your reference. Could you please
provide your suggestion as how to rectify the same.

Thank you.

Koushik Sekhar


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