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Hi Jan,

        First - great to have you working on this =)

On 17/03/17 10:33, Jan Iversen wrote:
3) the file Kit/Kit.cpp contains a long cascade of if else statements,
because commands are communicated as strings.
    is this on purpose ? why not have an Kit_enum.hpp that is converted
to Kit_enum.js and then have the commands be numbers.

        It is one possible optimization; but of course - it is quite nice to
have general code where we can add commands without touching all the
intermediate message multiplexers =)

The advantage
would be we can use simple switch statements which are a lot faster (and
looking at the performance during the esc-meeting, we could do with
better performance).

        I -think- performance issues are related to multiplexing, message
prioritizing, managing buffering, and a host of other exciting issues;
(until recently perhaps lock contention too) - at least CPU time doesn't
dominate the profiles I've seen either for the Kit prisoner or WSD.

        So in general, while I love optimization, we should profile heavily
before optimizing I think - and follow the profiles =) Of course with a
different form-factor and set of profiling tools we'll perhaps get some
new use-cases to optimize for your use-case; but even so - I'd like to
see a profile first personally.

        Thanks !


-- <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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