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main.js is not the js file that is supposed to be used by the browsers directly. It is used by 
the js build system to generate the final bundle.js file which resides in 
loleaflet/dist/bundle.js (and generated when you do 'make' in loleaflet directory)

You load the appropriate html file normally, which then loads all the js files, so something like

OK this explains my problem.

I will see if I can get make running, or see if I can grab a bundle.js somewhere.

and this <your_url> needs to be a file url, so something like file:///home/janiv/doc.odt 
<file:///home/janiv/doc.odt>, not a http url to some other location on the web, because in that 
case you need to implement your own WOPI host, like owncloud/nextcloud etc.
Sorry my mistake, of course I meant file:

   It seems the iframe (when loaded) does not contain all the
javascript needed to run it.

Why so ?
I am debugging the javascript in the client and saw calls the seems to leave the iframe, but maybe 

I think you mean kit/ChildSession.cpp ?
no I meant  Kit.cpp e.g line 1779.

ChildSession.cpp is only the receiver from the queue, not the executer (connection to LOkit) unless 
I am mistaken.

Thanks for a prompt answer.

jan I.


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