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On 17/03/17 16:03, Jan Iversen wrote:

I am trying to reuse the online javascript in a webkit frame, the setup
works in general, but I have a couple of questions, which seems
unanswered in the available doc.

I want to start online as we use it for ESC. I have a file URL so I am
ready to start LO with a document:

1) looking in loleaflet main.js seems like the natural, but how exactly
should the call be:
   Assuming host = myHost, directory=loleaflet, I would have assumed the
call should be something like:
   but that does not work…I would really appreciate to read the url to call

main.js is not the js file that is supposed to be used by the browsers directly. It is used by the js build system to generate the final bundle.js file which resides in loleaflet/dist/bundle.js (and generated when you do 'make' in loleaflet directory)

You load the appropriate html file normally, which then loads all the js files, so something like


and this <your_url> needs to be a file url, so something like file:///home/janiv/doc.odt, not a http url to some other location on the web, because in that case you need to implement your own WOPI host, like owncloud/nextcloud etc.

2) The current main builds a topline menu, similar (but limited) to the
desktop version. I would like to take advantage of the “natural” menus,
so is it posible  to start the javascript and eliminate the menus
(basically only have the iframe and the content).

Not without any tweaks in the js/css/html. One would need to introduce some flags that removes/hides the toolbar and the menubar from the top and extend the content area to maximum (using CSS).

    It seems the iframe (when loaded) does not contain all the
javascript needed to run it.

Why so ?

3) the file Kit/Kit.cpp contains a long cascade of if else statements,
because commands are communicated as strings.

I think you mean kit/ChildSession.cpp ?

    is this on purpose ? why not have an Kit_enum.hpp that is converted
to Kit_enum.js and then have the commands be numbers. The advantage
would be we can use simple switch statements which are a lot faster (and
looking at the performance during the esc-meeting, we could do with
better performance).
   in case this is a wanted feature, I can make a gerrit patch, so it
can be properly reviewed.

Thanks in advance for a prompt answer.
jan I.

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