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Hi Dennis,

On 10/11/2016 11:57 AM, Dennis Roczek wrote:
why cannot Björn's contributions be licensed under CC-0 or under Public
Domain? Doug - for example - chose WTFL... Technically this is possible!

        Technically =) but let me link to the MPLv2 quickly to see some of what
we'd miss in this case (ie. virtually all of it) - IANAL but for reference:

        Some quick examples; section 2.5 is interesting, 8. likewise, 2.1 +
1.11 is particularly helpful - there are more, but these jump out at me
in the 2 minutes I took to skim it again =)

        So - the policy does have some basis in usefulness =) Although you are
right, we could take contributions under other licenses, it is really
non-ideal. And it is seldom an issue, having clarity is helpful.



-- <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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