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On 10.10.2015 08:52, Markus Mohrhard wrote:
On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 3:45 AM, Richard Wordingham
<>> wrote:

    OK. I found a tar ball for which *does* build on Ubuntu 12.04.

    However, when I try building from 'trunk' (or whatever its called)
    pulling in the source via git, compilation still fails, just as (well,
    one line number's changed) happened just over three months ago
    ).  I did not get a usable answer then.

You need at least gcc 4.7, we are even moving to gcc 4.8 but I'm not
sure if we already require any feature that is only in 4.8.
GCC 4.6 won't work on master for several months now, unfortunately
nobody updated the configure check for the gcc version until today
(commit e4b24c7399352642aeaeb412394d6230562d04d2)


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