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Hi all,

I have started to look at

It is about Windows and therefore the method setDisplayDirectory from /core/fpicker/source/win32/filepicker/VistaFilePicker.cxx is involved.

I know already, that if the property PROP_FORCE is set to "true", the directory is set in the file picker. But simple forcing it to "true" has problems in other parts, where a file picker is used. So I need some deeper understanding. And in that I struggle about "WorkPathChanged".

The method setDisplayDirectory sets the user setting WorkPathChanged to "false". From the UI I see that it is set to "true", if you change the "My Documents" path in Tools>Options. But I do not find the place where this setting is evaluated.

And it makes no sense to me, that the method setDisplayDirectory changes a user setting, because the API says, "Sets the directory that the file dialog initially displays." and nothing else.

Kind regards


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