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On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 03:06:19AM -0500, Norbert Thiebaud wrote:
<sarcasm>Gee, that is so easy.. why didn't I think of that...</sarcasm>
Indeed its not. But thats beside the point.

Bjoern wrote:
Right now, the important and achievable goal is to get master to be always
green for our CI-builders.

Let me say that explicitly again: To go beyond our current CI-builders is _not_
what we should care about for now as a project. But _if_ someone wants a aways
green master for an obscure build scenario, providing a CI-enabled tinderbox is
the _minimum_ requirement.

If someone wants master to be always green on AmigaOS on VAX, the minimum is
providing a CI-enabled tinderbox for it. We then would still have to consider,
if we want to enable and spend ressources on fixing for it -- but the beauty of
this is:  We never would actually get to that point as the CI-enabled tinderbox
just wouldnt show up.  Lets not rathole on this as it is not relevant.

The _relevant_ part is that it is possible and desireable to have master all
green on the main platform builders TDF provides. Instead of chasing down the
'master cant be always green on all platforms because I dont have a SPARC
machine'-nonsense, we should focus on that master can _and should_ very much be
always green on the canonical platform builders that we provide CI for.




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