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Michael Meeks wrote:
      My -hope- is that this with minimal tweaking would allow me to have
arbitrary python plugins rendering interesting document content -


and also serializing their rendered state as an OLE-style preview to
the XML.

Maybe not that easily. And are you storing the original bits (that
then get rendered into QR) somewhere already?

      Of course - I'd love to have some feedback on my sanity - quite
possibly this is utterly crazy; quite possibly there are 3x easier &
better ways to achieve the same thing (?) =)

Yeah, why not sticking in a png or an svg directly into the document?

      Known problems:

      * for QR codes (but prolly not bar-codes) the idea of
        representing a bitmap as a ton of polypolygons is prolly
        not the greatest idea.

But also not prohibitively expensive - or how large are those QR codes
getting these days? Your example seems 40x40 pixel.

      * bar-code specifications:
              + some of the spec's are a bit strict: "no less
                than 2mm between X and Y"
              + that gives some UI / rendering / unit constraints
              + currently not captured.

Lock resizing on the XShape?

      Known bugs:

      * ODF / back-compatibility - we re-export the original (in my
        case smiley) custom-shape which shows up as an unhelpful
        fallback for older LibreOffice'n.

That one is a bummer. You'd want to add a preview image into some
wrapped draw frame then (like e.g. the svg import did it).

      I'd love to have some clue on how best to fiddle with this /
re-work it somewhere that it fits.

See above - I might miss the broader picture, but I think easiest
would be direct embedding of the graphic. Would also solve your bitmap


-- Thorsten

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