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Hi all,

* VCL: main-loop / timeout foo [ menTor ;-]
     + Making our main-loop have an 'idle' concept
       with priorities vs. mix & match timers.
             + Tobias Madl
             + Jennifer Liebel

LHM: Florian Haftmann

this issue did not raise much attention so far in this thread, so I'll
try to excite some…

From a bird's-eye perspective, this would IMHOP consist of the following
* Identify the hot-sport where events are announced.
* Formally extend this interface with a priority parameter with not-yet
a meaning.
* Refine the event data structure to interpret priorities accordingly.
* Classify all existing event sources with desired priorities.
* Adjust priorities accordingly.

Any comments or hints?  Otherwise I guess the first item is the one to
start with.

All the best,


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