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On Mon, 2014-08-18 at 15:58 +0200, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
On 08/17/2014 06:54 PM, Terrence Enger wrote:
[ incorrect guess about what -evn:UserInstalltion does ]

No; what happens exactly is:  Whenever at LO 4 start-up no LO 4 user 
profile exists (e.g. because -env:UserInstallation points to a directory 
that does not exist) and a LO 3 user profile exists at the canonic 
location (i.e., not taking into account any -env:UserInstallation) and 
the LO 3 user profile does not contain a MIGRATED4 marker file, then the 
MIGRATED4 marker file is written into the LO 3 user profile and data 
from the LO 3 user profile is migrated into the newly created LO 4 user 

Is it a reportable bug if LibreOffice crashes when using a user
profile created by an earlier version?  ( I tend to the position that
every crash is a bug, but I can well see that a lot of bugs
"RESOLVED WONTFIX" could become annoying. )

Such crashes should generally be considered bugs that should be fixed. 
An exception is when the user profile data that causes the crash can 
only have been produced by a "non-official" LO version (e.g. a nightly 

Bah!  Humbug!  Despite my best efforts, I am unable to reproduce the
crash which provoked my interest.  It is time to invoke the First Rule
of Holes.

Thank you, Stephan, for your patience with a fat-fingered (and very
frustrated) klutz.




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