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It is possible to direct LibreOffice to a particular user profile
directory using the command line parameter
-env:UserInstallation=<URL>, and I have grown into the habit of using
a separate user profile for each bug report I look at.

I think that this parameter inhibits the usual conversion of user
profiles across versions of LibreOffice.  Is this right?  Is it a
reportable bug if LibreOffice crashes when using a user profile
created by an earlier version?  ( I tend to the position that every
crash is a bug, but I can well see that a lot of bugs "RESOLVED
WONTFIX" could become annoying. )

FWIW, this question arises from my attempt to reproduce fdo#82722
"EDITING: By editing a macro in the IDE Libo crashes immediatly and
completely when macro opens".  Comment 1 suggests that using a new
user profile makes the crash disappear.  (I have made a SIGABRT
earlier than the reporter's crash, and I have made a SIGSEGV later,
but I have not made a crash where the reporter's crash happened.)

Thank you, all, for your attention and guidance.


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