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On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 1:42 PM, Wols Lists <> wrote:

That's one of my moans (maybe it's been fixed) about LO spellcheck! It's
too long ago to remember the details, and it was in a cell (can't
remember whether it was a Writer table or Calc). Anyways, I filled the
cell and tabbed away. The AutoCorrupt kicked in. And <ctrl-z> reversed
the ENTIRE operation, deleting the text I'd typed! I just *could* *not*
work out how to get LO to accept what I'd typed without insisting on
corrupting it.

So it makes a lot of sense, in many circumstances, for a user's input to
be treated as multiple steps requiring multiple undos, even when it's
just one user action that triggers it.

Please check out bug #36867 which I filed 3 years ago and still isn't fixed.



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