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Hi again!

+ F9 to present: no video shows / plays

Okay, it always plays video after pressing F9 now. I have checked a
fallback functionality by removing from /usr/lib64. Seems like it
works well too.

All the best,


Minh Ngo | | Principal Lazy Engineer | The Document

On 14 September 2013 22:47, Minh Ngo <> wrote:

Hi Michael,

        + audio during keyframe capture

Fixed :)

+ sadly we have synchronous keyframe fetch, which
                  means starting / loading flying_boy.odp I get a
                  hang during which music plays ;-) before I get the

Maybe could change it to the asynchronous callback.

+ intermittent play in a separate window
              + clean re-start / load flying_boy.odp
                 sometimes it pops out.
              + provoke it with:+ provoke it with:

                      + F9 to present: no video shows / plays

Generally fixed. How could I manipulate with a video (stop/play) in the
full screen mode?

+ after F9 - playing video pops it out to a
                  separate window


+ grey X window with no content obscuring the
          video preview / keyframe.

              + I -guess- that this is an un-rendered X window
                  occluding the preview

All the best,


Minh Ngo | | Principal Lazy Engineer | The
Document Foundation

On 10 September 2013 13:20, Michael Meeks <>wrote:

i there,

        Great to play with the latest work; it seems seeking works
well, but there are some quite grim lifecycle issues around the place;
also getting parenting right of the X window under X seems intermittent.

        + audio during keyframe capture
                + sadly we have synchronous keyframe fetch, which
                  means starting / loading flying_boy.odp I get a
                  hang during which music plays ;-) before I get the

        + intermittent play in a separate window
                + clean re-start / load flying_boy.odp
                  sometimes it pops out.
                + provoke it with:
                        + F9 to present: no video shows / plays
                + after F9 - playing video pops it out to a
                  separate window
        + F9 to present: should render the video ... :-)
                + I see ~nothing - not even a grey box.

        + grey X window with no content obscuring the
          video preview / keyframe.
                + I -guess- that this is an un-rendered X window
                  occluding the preview

        + Deleting a playing video
                + audio carries on playing in the background :-)

        I guess it'd be really good to get some of these fixed; clearly
priority is Windows here not Linux, but it'd be nice to get this lot
working on Linux too for debugging purposes etc.

        I pushed some debug cleanup pieces to master too.

        Thanks !


--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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