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Hi Alex

On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 5:36 PM, Alexander Thurgood
<> wrote:
I've seen two user reports of similar problems (404 not found), one
yesterday on the French list and one today on the EN user list.
It is possible that deep links from external sites do not work any
more. The autodoc -> doxygen transition changed many links. Hopefully
Google will reindex the site soon, so people can use Google search

The site contains 23881 links, and there are only ~30 broken links,
which are caused by the following line in odk/
 -linkoffline ../../common/reg $(SRCDIR)/odk/pack/gendocu/uno \

There is no common directory any more, and unfortunately
common/reg/com/sun/star paths became part of the filename, like
exceptioncom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1uno_1_1RuntimeException.html. So links
from javadocs to API docs should be fixed somehow.

Best regards,


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