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Hi Tadele,

On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 1:20 PM, Tadele Assefa <> wrote:

Now additional array of help requests:
1) I want to build the LO with Spellchecker and Help Pack included in the
installer. Providing a separate installation of Help and Spellchecker
extension is not good way as many of our user have little experience with
software installation.

Try --with-helppack-integration --with-myspell-dicts switches in your

2) Can I change the installer language to be mine, it is now in English.

I think it is not possible to build an installer without en-US, unless you
modify the source code. And Sidama will not be auto-detected, because it is
not supported by Windows. You can force the language of the installer with
a command line parameter:
msiexec /i LibreOffice-4.1.msi ProductLanguage=1669

3) The MSI installer I built is shows a 'Beta' Splash Screen and is
installed as "LibreOfficeDev4.", how can I produce LibreOffice
4.x.x.x like the official installer.

Try --enable-release-build in your autogen.input.

Best regards,


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