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I just hopped on here to provide my 2 cents.

First of all, Mateusz, I don't know if you intend to come across aggressively, but your writing tone is /very/ harsh and makes it difficult for readers to not feel attacked.

The only thing I imply is that new major release is enhanced by
useless formats. These files are dead, they come from dead software
and in bugzilla system you won't find even one bugreport relevant to!
Linux is alive platform and encrypted ODF files are in common usage.
It would be great if elementary functionality just works instead of
adding features no one needed.

Going off the assumption that the tone is just a misunderstanding, and that you're actually productively discussing these points, I'd like to go on record that adding support to these formats is a *huge* bonus for me. I have clients who have data locked up in these formats, and this feature has liberated that data. In 2013, it's a bit difficult to find a copy of Mac OS 7 to run the programs needed to open these files (and then export to what other ancient format that has modern-ish support?) LibreOffice supporting these formats solves *all* of that for me.

You fix it in 15 minutes? Great! So now many people can just wait next
half of year to 4.2 release. Thanks a lot for attention.

Here's another tone issue. The man just fixed a bug for you, and you come across as berating him. First of all, thank him. Secondly, there are minor releases (4.1.1) that will be released in less than half a year. Thirdly, you can always run daily builds of you're so inclined.

I appreciate you engaging with people and taking the time to post to the mailing list. You obviously have a lot of energy and passion for this software, which is something I always like to see.

I strongly encourage you to engage and help out with the LibreOffice; putting that energy to good use.

I look forward to seeing your forthcoming contributions!



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