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On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 12:42:03AM +0200, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
The important part on the mozilla feedback page is not the layout (dont get me
wrong: showing a smiley to someone angry at us is a Good Thing for mitigating
the pain), but the relevant part is IMHO what to do with the feedback, not some
small bandaid for someone who got hurt. 

Having walked trough the feedback page, after saying you are happy with
Firefox, you get to:

pimping new builds, a "Contribute" page, their Feedback Dashboard, and their

That dashboard is of course the thing that is really doing the work:

but there we are getting closer to what the real purpose of this thing is. You
can e.g. enter "bookmark" and see:

- how much feedback you get on that topic (as in relevance)
- how much good and bad feedback you get
- the locales and OS of those
- you even might see if how relevant e.g. some heisenbug is

all in all, it seems nifty(**), but might be a bit more work to set up (unless
Mozilla is maybe sharing their code with us?).



(*) and looks the same.
(**) apart from being yet another feedback channel in addition to bugzilla in
     addition to askbot, thus another area to do deduplication across
     nonintegrated tools.


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