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On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 3:10 PM, Michael Meeks <> wrote:
On Thu, 2013-07-11 at 14:44 -0500, Norbert Thiebaud wrote:
could it be
possible to switch some to build windows debug builds with symbols or lcov
(or other useful) stats when at idle (less commits in weekends)? Would be
great help.
let's first get up to speed with their intended purpose, and we will
see what is left (processing time wise)
        IMHO having a debug symbol build & up-load once per day would be
incredibly useful :-) [ as would a windows debug symbol server for
release product but ... ;-].
I am not saying it would not be, I'm saying we are not there yet in
our deployment...

It is one thing to have boxes, it is another to have them operating,
preferably in an harmonious way with each other, and with means to
monitor them with a little of manpower and attention as possible....

Ideally, at least for the designated tdf-boxes, I'd like a dashboard
kind of things so we can, at a glance see that everything is operating
for gerrit builbot that can be done by keeping track of incomming
request adn result from the different bot, from the gerrit buildbot,
which already track most of it anyway...
so that we can detect if a box spend a suspicious amount of time not
calling home...  possibly even sending an email to the 'owner' of that
box to remind him to take a look



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