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* Present:
        * Hangout: Kendy, Joel, Kohei, Michael M, Petr, Tsahi,
                   Caolan, Bjoern
        * Phone:   Stephan, Ahmad, Christian, David, Eike, Norbert,
                   Ellie, Cedric, Cloph, Lionel, Michael S

* Completed Action items:
        + get windows build-bot setup (Kendy)
                [ running well, one of the fastest tinderboxes,
                  doing incremental Windows builds of master + gerrit ]
        + update visible bugzilla versions to hide ~all legacy versions (Joel)
                [ doing some tests, BSA is done - versions are hidden
                  with fdo - if hidden, can't edit a bug to that version,
                  ping Tollef for advice ]

* Pending Action items:
        + get remaining GOSC guys introduced on the QA list (Cedric)
                [ poking them individually ]
        + working on Date API fix for rc3 (Eike/Michael S)
                [ near to an end, decision whether to transport UTC
                  or localtime, not quite clarified, hope to sort it
                  out before tomorrow evening on IRC ]
        + get windows build-bot setup (Thorsten)
        + remember to invite pepp for next week (Michael)

* Release Engineering update (Cloph)
        + 3.6.7 rc2 update
                + out on the mirrors, been pre-announced, hopefully
                  the final release.
        + 4.1.0 rc3 status ...
                + Monday is the deadline for RC3, if dates not ready,
                  veto tag creation
                + we hope RC3 is our final release
                        + testing much appreciated.
                + remove the .0 version from RC3,
AI:             + improve configure to avoid versioning mistakes (Cloph)
        + TDF Windows build hardware is in-flight to Munich
        + tripple review continues on libreoffice-4-1-0 branch
        + double review for libreoffice-4-1

* 4.1 status / MAB review (all)
                + formcontrol issue -> dtardon on it.
                + coretext issues: fdo#66577, fdo#665971
                        + tml on vacation - can Khaled help ?
                + IE / .odt integration issue -> timar ?
                + start time foo
                        + are we using AFMs in anger ?
                        + pspfontcache: should have AFM info in it.
                        + seems to be being re-written in error
        + fdo#65338 - really positive response to bibisect requests
                + thanks to jorendc for the bibsect & Lubos for the fix.
AI:     + file svg / help->about issue in master as 4.2 MAB (Astron)

* QA update (Joel)
        + BSA is updated, if selected a collapsed / old version, it
          recommends you update.
        + QA Contest update
                + got very close to the goal: 24->25% of the bugs triaged
                + Joren & Joel counting now:
                        + hopefully will know in the next week who won.
                + quite a lot of guys put in a substantial amount of time
                        + now hovering at 921 unconfirmed bugs.
                        + before at 1191 unconfirmed bugs.
        + etherpad is up, thanks to Robison & Florian for hard work testing etc.
        + skipping tomorrows' QA call.
        + Need_Advice bugs input appreciated (more of them now)
                + 10 bugs (-3) in that state (thanks)
                +142    -397    (-255 overall)
                        + however -285 are stale / NEEDINFO closures
                many thanks to the top five:
                        Jorendc          11
                        James            11
                        mariosv          9
                        Michael Stahl    5
                        David Tardon     5
        + another needinfo round for six month old bugs - next week.
                + ask for info, wait a month, close if none.
        + Final stats for round 1:
                + 25% of bugs in needinfo - touched in some way => preserved.
                + 75% closed as invalid.
                        + got a few E-mails, a couple why invalid ?
                        + responded: we need info, please provide.

* FISL event roundup (Bjoern)
        + Awesome conference in Brazil, great attendance,
                + good workshops, amazing community growth
                + new people coming in; some communication
                  difficulties; face-to-face is easier
        + Intel offered vtune licenses - LibreOffice a great
          test case, how to proceed from there ?
                + get some vtune licenses from there, or
                + give them samples to play around with ?
AI:     + send details to Pierre-Eric (Bjoern)

* GSOC update (Cedric)
        + please mentor your students, mid-term evaluations
                + around 2 weeks away ...
                + Mon 29th July until end of that week

* UX input (Astron)
        + not so much on the list, no chat last week.
                + controversy - insert ruler
AI:             + fdo#60858 needs input (Astron)
        + need to ship rulers again even though awful (Cedric)
                + need to add code to guess / fixup paths too (Michael)
AI:             + file a bug to split out that piece (Cedric)
        + and the UI piece which is horrible needs thought too (Cedric)
                + always someone uses a fn. that almost everyone
                  thinks is useless (Astron)
                + avoid bringing back the garish / pixellated ruler
        + prefer sidebar option when enabled to enable it
          for all components by default, rather than using
          the menu.
        + discussion about the theme for the planet is ongoing.

* Certification Program (Stephan/Kendy/Bjoern)
        + nothing much happening.

* Help -> Send Feedback issue (Bjoern)
        + lots of things sent via BSA are support requests which are invalid.
        + idea to have a mailing list instead for English pre-processing,
          as per French (but doesn't save any time)
        + instead send them to ?
                + and hope to escalate those to bugs ?
        + another option is a landing page (Joel)
                + concern wrt. escallation latency etc. from Ask
                + better to have a clear landing page
                + "definite bug" -> help
                + "support" -> ask
                + "instructions" -> wiki
        + should we re-use Mozilla's work ? (Michael)
        + launchpad has a similar problem (Bjoern)
                + openid makes account creation easy;
                  button to turn it into a question ->
                  invalid -> askbot
        + bugzilla / account creation is painful - ask / openid is easier
        + Rob asked the design list to do something like that (Astron)
        + ongoing issue with fdo (can't use openID)
                + Robinson - might be able to improve 'ask' to add a
                  'file a bug' button to fdo for ask moderators.
                        + and auto-set it to NEW ?
                        + avoids authentication / openID issues
AI:             + talk to Robinson about that (Joel)
                + can do all the data collection there before push
                  to bugzilla
                        + share de-duplication with Ask guys ?

* UI dialog conversion (Caolan)
        + 290 dialogs so far
                + Qudos to:
                        + excellent work from KACST
                                + converting the help as well which is great.
                        + also Andras' students and others doing good work there.
        + somewhat over 1/2 way to the goal and improving.

* Open 4.2 MAB
        + 2/2

* Open 4.1 MAB
        + 7 (of 52) older 7/48 2/42 4/39 5/37 7/32 3/26 3/23 4/17 3/16 3/16
             14%          15%

* Open 4.0 MAB
        + 12 (of 135) older 12/134 12/133 12/132 16/132 14/130 16/129 16/128 18/129
             9%              9%     9%     9%     12%    11%    13%    14%    13%

* 3.6 most annoying bugs ...
        + 62 (of 243) older 60/241 57/238 63/237 65/236 68/235 67/232 69/231 71/229
             25%             25%    24%    27%    28%    29%    30%    31%    32%

* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibsected'
        + 34 (of 123) older 36/122 38/119 37/114 39/114 41/112 36/105 35/100

* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
        + 298(+4) bugs open of 1723(+26) total

        * ~Component   count net *
                Writer - 92 (-2)
           Libreoffice - 27 (+1)
           Spreadsheet - 27 (+0)
              Database - 26 (+1)
          Presentation - 26 (-1)
               Crashes - 22 (-1)
               Drawing - 18 (+0)
               Borders - 14 (+0)
                 BASIC -  3 (+1)
             Migration -  3 (+0)

        + Migration:

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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