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(Moving discussion to documentation team ML. Please keep me in CC, I'm
 not subscribed / I don't read that ML "often".)

On Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 11:46:56AM +0200, Alex Thurgood wrote:
Le 20/04/2013 23:34, Lionel Elie Mamane a écrit :

One last question: where can I edit the help to document a new feature
I'm introducing (namely, the option that the storage value is the
index in the list)? I grepped for a string that appears in the right
help page, but no result. In particular, I did not find it in the
"helpcontent2" directory. Also, do we have our fork of the Developer's Guide?

AFAIK, there is nothing about the MVC paradigm and its application in
database controls in the helpcontent, (...)

That's not what I meant. When I'm editing the properties of a listbox,
in the data tab and I press "F1" I get a new window entitled
"LibreOffice Help - LibreOffice Base", with content like below. That's
what I intended to change.

I tried grepping for "allows you to assign a data source" in the
LibreOffice source code to find the file I'm supposed to change, no

I added the feature that the "BoundColumn" can now be "-1" also. I'd
also like to explicitly document that "0" or empty have the same
sends me to, but:

 - This site's built-in search does not find anything when I search
   for "allows you to assign a data source to the selected control"
 - "Base Guide" has nothing
 - "Base Handbook", the chapter "Base H/b Ch4 Forms" could be
   relevant, but again, searching in this document (in LibreOffice
   writer), I don't find the text I want to change.

Here's the first fifth or so of the page/document I want to edit:

--------------------- BEGIN QUOTE -------------------------------

The Data tab page allows you to assign a data source to the selected

To access this command... 
Open context menu of a selected form element - choose Control - Data
Open Form Controls toolbar or Form Design toolbar, click Control icon
- Data tab

For forms with database links, the associated database is defined in
the Form Properties. You will find the functions for this on the Data
tab page.

The possible settings of the Data tab page of a control depend on the
respective control. You will only see the options that are available
for the current control and context. The following fields are available:
Bound field

If you delete the contents of the Bound field cell in the property
browser, the first field of the result set is used to display and to
exchange data.

This property for list boxes defines which data field of a linked
table is displayed in the form.
If a list box in the form is to display contents of a table linked to
the form table, then define in the Type of list contents field if the
display is determined by an SQL command or the (linked) table is
accessed. With the Bound field property, you use an index to specify
to which data field of the query or of the table the list field is

The property Bound field is only for forms that are used to access
more than one table. If the form is based on only one table, the field
to be displayed in the form is specified directly under Data
field. However, if you want the list box to display data from a table
that is linked to the current table over a common data field, the
linked data field is defined by the property Bound field.

If you selected "SQL" under Type of list contents, the SQL command
determines the index to be specified. Example: If you specify an SQL
command such as "SELECT Field1, Field2 FROM tablename" under List
content, refer to the following table:
Bound field
The database field "Field1" is linked to the field specified under
Data field.
The database field "Field2" is linked to the field specified under
Data field.

If you selected "Table" under Type of list contents, the table
structure defines the index to be specified. Example: If a database
table is selected under List content, refer to the following table:
Bound field
The 1st column of the table is linked to the field specified under
Data field.
The 2nd column of the table is linked to the field specified under
Data field.
The 3rd column of the table is linked to the field specified under
Data field.

--------------------- END QUOTE -------------------------------



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