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On Mon, 2013-04-08 at 09:32 +0200, Winfried Donkers wrote:
    The bit that should include expat is:


    Where $O=/home/w.donkers/git/libo/solver/unxlngi6

    Do you really not have an expat.h in there ? I do :-)

No, I don't :-(

        It's odd; I guess there is some confusion between unxlngi6 and going on - David - any ideas ? there is something odd about
Winfried's build here, and I've no clue what the story is between .pro
and non .pro builds in a gnumake world (is there a meaningful difference
still) ? I'd be inclined to read and work out what that is
and where it comes from - I assume you changed configure options and
provoked it somehow ;-)

I might have triggered some horror by mistake, sure, sometimes I'm
good at making mistakes :-)

        Hah - me too :-)

I have tried various changes, manually copying files, etc,, but now
have taken the drastic step of removing the entire codebase locally

        Sounds like that should help, or a 'git clean -d -f' or something might
save some downloading ;-) though it is a bit drastic too.



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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