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On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 10:44 AM, Noel Grandin <> wrote:
On 2013-04-05 17:36, Norbert Thiebaud wrote:
24 hours window.. the limiting factor being windows that take ~2 hours for
a successful build, the 2 others take about 15 minutes.

What is the limiting factor with Windows?
the fact that it take 2 hours and not 15 minutes like the rest.
The best windows build time I got is 50-70 minutes... and that is a
box with a i7 overclocked at 4Ghz and 4 sdd in raid-0.
but then again the goal here is not so much the time-to-build a
specific patch but the ability to handle to load overall... iow with 2
hours build on windows and 15 minutes build on the rest... you need 8
windows box per one linux and one mac box to get a balanced system...
that can cope with about ~25 build per 'work day' or ~90 build per 24
hours... which should be enough to cover the current patch rate
(overall about 60/day overall with peak at 100 a day - again overall.
the point being to size the system based on the premise that every
patch transit by gerrit... which is the goal...

CPU or IO?
If it's IO, maybe the machines need a small SSD for the build directory?
CPU mostly... but sadly it does not scale well with the number of
cores as a number of tasks (make itself, packaging...) are mono



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