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On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 8:56 PM, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
<> wrote:
The alternate suggestion was to add a "compatibility mode".
The issue is purely academic, but if it _has_ to be resolved then yes
a compatibility mode has a much better value that creating an
'alternate' function.
1/ a compatibility mode can be use to deal with other discrepancies
between the standards than just that power() corner case.
2/ if an implementation does not know about 'alternate' form they
would not be able to represent the value _at all_ vs a compatibility
mode that still use the underlying standardized function. iow a compat
mode only impact the execution in one's environment and does not
create random problem by polluting the document with 'extensions' that
have no chances what-so-ever to be accepted in the standard.

This has the
advantage that it can be turned on and off at will so that Calc will simply
behave that way. It also allows other functions to be changed to check the
flag and behave accordingly. This also feels like a larger initial change
and would require far more buy-in from the community to implement.
Yep that is a problem for purely academic problems that do not have
any actual use-case.
I think there are many more interop problems with much more visible
and real-life effect that would be a better use of one's time.



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