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Hi Thorsten,

Thorsten Behrens wrote (25-01-13 14:45)
Cor Nouws wrote:
Would love to see this picked for 4.0.0 - therefore the whole discussion
was started.
we briefly touched on this during ESC yesterday - but since according
to the patch does not seem to
quite work yet, it was deemed too risky for 4.0.0 for the while. Also
because it would require a translation update in the very last second.

Sorry for that,
It's OK. thanks for reporting.
Of course I should have started earlier on this work - especially since I've little experience in this field so for sure that costs a lot of time.
I expect (any way sincerely hope) that there will be improvements on the 
TemplateManager itself too - thought it looks good, functionality is not 
really finished - so that with the 4.0.1 both can be done.

 - Cor


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