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ah, it is still pending, so I looked at it. Sigh, I though that I would
just approve it but I am afraid that we need some more changes before
pushing :-(

Bjoern Michaelsen píše v Pá 08. 06. 2012 v 18:28 +0200:
Hi there,

please review the changes:

for integration into libreoffice-3-6 as a late feature requireing 3 signoffs
from different vendors. 0442e067cdb4887aa6e57a0e31cd0df7c4eab086 and
f456a863e6e05d05763a86506a953936453bcae6 will be squashed into one commit for
now needlessly expanding the repo. bb0c424f437cc86dd98251aeee2f22e3893986a8
and 50046236bc52c67b0a1cc6a01600070855281d9c will be squashed as the
intermediate state does not finish a compile from scratch.

I like the templates but I suggest the following changes:

1. Make sure that "CubaLibre" is not listed as the first template
   (rename it or rename any other template).

   I like it. The problem is that it is not standard because the text is
   rotated. If you start with this template, the text stays rotated even
   if you later use another background. If you start with default
   document and use this background, the text is not rotated and it
   looks ugly.

   => I think that this template is a timing bomb to produce flood of
      bug reports and bad feedback. If we want it, it should not be the
      first template at least ;-)

2. We need to make sure that all templates are centered, have right size
   by default and are resized when you resize the application window.

       + most of them have zoom set to more than 100% => you see only
         part of it when opening. We should set 90% or so.

       + Many of them has "ZoomOnPage" flag disabled => if you resize
         the application window, the slide size stays the same. For
         example, if you make the window smaller, you suddenly see only
         part of the slide. If we enable "ZoomOnPage", the slide is
         resized to follow the application window size (usual behavior).

         I am not sure where this is set in the UI. I see it in the
         document (settings.xml):

         <config:config-item config:name="ZoomOnPage"

3. I would prefer if the title strings are set to "en_US" strings.
   It is the default language and fallback for everything. It might
   solve also the problem with Russian localization.

4. It would be great to optimize the png pictures using optipng tool. It
   safes about 10%. I could provide opimized PNGs if you want.

I would prefer to fix the above before pushing to reduce the commit
size. I think that it is acceptable to wait for beta3 with this.

Are you able to have this ready for 3.6.0-beta3?

Best Regards,

PS: All would be easier if we support flat ODF for templates or if we
keep them in another repo. Them we need not be that careful about
committing changes and could do changes more iteratively.


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