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Hi Eike
On Mon, 2012-05-07 at 21:02 +0200, Eike Rathke wrote:
Hi Noel,

On Friday, 2012-05-04 10:33:37 +0100, Noel Power wrote:

There seems to be some issue
with how the drawing layer and the grid/view part calculate
positions :/ they just don't agree.

Yes, that's due to accumulated rounding errors when converting to/from
drawing layer 100th mm mapping and the integer positioning. For unequal
row heights that becomes even worse. 
yup so is my attempt to resolve the position by calculating the expected
position the same way as the gridwin does ( or at least using the same
caclulation it uses to position the anchor graphic ) totally off the
mark ? ( to me it makes sense but... )

Eike I cc you here as maybe you can shed some light on this
weirdness ( I confess it confuses the hell out me )
otoh I think this patch is safe, it also addresses another issue (
see details in bug ) where sometimes ( like in the attached test
document ) the shape size is imported incorrectly and the shape may
not be visible.

While the import looks clearly better now it seems that it fixes only
one symptom. When loading shapeanchorskew.xls of it looks ok after
load, but saving the file and reloading it's off again, approximately by
the same amount as before, just in the other direction further down, and
row heights wrong, nearly doubled and not saving different heights.
ok, I can't see how this patch can affect the export :-/ unless there is
some tweak in the export to to attempt to correct the 'same' error ( or
something like that )

I tried with 3.4.5 and there the objects are imported to the correct row
and also survive save/reload (except that row heights are saved wrongly
also there),
oh :-/ now that is strange 'cause the problem ( xlsx import ) was
originally reported against 3.4.x, I tacked on the xls support as I saw
the same position misbehaviour in 3.5. So... it seems at least from what
you are saying that something nasty has happened with xls import post
 from 3.5.0 it's broken. Funny enough, after save/reload
.xls in 3.5.x the objects do appear in row 517 as they should, again
with the wrong and equal row heights. 
this is getting more bizarre :-), I suppose though this is somehow
related to the import behaviour :/ and the xls export seems
( with/without patch ) to be shifting the shape position
Saving/reloading to/from .ods it's
worse and objects are off even further to the top, in 3.4.5, 3.5.x and
with your patch, but only if loaded from an .xls file. Once saved to
.odf the position stays fixed.
I hope this points to the same badness in xls import -), interestingly
saving as xlsx ( from 3.4 ) and the positions shift up also

I'm hesitating to push your patch because it changes behavior such that
after import it looks ok but saving messes things up so may go
unnoticed. Before at least it was clearly visible that something's wrong
hmm, not sure I totally agree, but how about just enabling this for oox
import then, I think that in all cases there is an improvement with that
right ? would that be ok? 

Would be good if you could find the cause of the jumping around when
saving/reloading, and why row heights aren't saved properly.

looks like row heights were broken for some time, just at this minute
that's less critical ( and not sure even where to start look for that )
I hope to try and find out why the xls import/export causes such grief
now first.

Thanks again for having a look,



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