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On Fri, 2012-04-20 at 17:54 +0200, Tommy wrote:
    + LibO 4.0
            + planned to be incrementally developed / migrated anyway
            + postpone until license change done (Bjoern)
            + concerns about breaking all extensions at once (Norbert)
            + better to do incremental improvement ?
            + how much will we get done for this anyway ?
            + consider longer support cycle for LibO 3.6.x etc.
                    + discuss late.

what do you mean with "incrementally developed" ?

        As a contrast to a 'big bang' change, whereby we have a 'make or break'
type event, with some broken state of master for months, and the
potential for endless slippage :-)

        Instead, we want to do a large number of small, incremental changes
each of which is complete, safe, and leaves the product in a broadly
ship-able state (modulo minor regressions we can catch in the normal

        So - essentially, just our normal development flow, but changing the
things we've not been able to change in the past :-)



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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