On Fri, 2012-03-30 at 15:21 +0100, Michael Meeks wrote:
I up-loaded the output of my string debug for a writer start:
And discovered there was a bazillion problems with it, in particular the handling of OUStrings, having nailed that - it now has some considerable error due to 'String' handling; nevertheless a new version: http://www.gnome.org/~michael/llog4.txt.gz is up; re-running that shows: $ zcat /tmp/llog.txt.gz | grep '^+' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r | head -n 10 81840 +/ 41125 +IMPLEMENTATIONS 36468 +/IMPLEMENTATIONS/ 35796 +/IMPLEMENTATIONS 29744 +UNO 11341 +SERVICES 10331 +ACTIVATOR 7167 +en-US 6669 + 5204 +LOCATION How we get 81k allocations of a string containing '/' is somewhat curious ;-) possibly we want to have a table of static one-char ascii strings for the one character entries - to save atomic ref-counting thrash, and pointless often transient allocations. Interestingly, all these top uses are newish; when I last did the stats. As a rather less reliable dump: (due to the unreliable use of String classes I think) - I find it hard to believe we have 19k live '/' strings - does anyone feel guilty about that ? [ actually, I'm just poking at the configmgr code which looks like it might be the culprit ] 37209 live strings remain at end of log copies string 19011 / 5910 en-US 1920 689 en 650 Normal 559 void 347 com.sun.star.uno.XInterface::release 347 com.sun.star.uno.XInterface::queryInterface 347 com.sun.star.uno.XInterface::acquire 249 x-default 241 Regular 224 /UCR 219 com.sun.star.i18n.Transliteration.l10n 209 IMPLEMENTATIONS 200 com 194 com.sun.star.loader.SharedLibrary 194 -甭 175 ALIEN 169 IMPORT 159 boolean 156 Bold 154 EXPORT 142 com.sun.star.uno.XInterface Interestingly the "com.sun.star" string shows up 286k times in the log of alloc / deletes - oh for the day that we can stop pushing that around as UCS2 in memory. Anyhow - so far, I saved 1% of our memory allocate / free's by fixing the (busted IMHO) rtl URI encode/decode - with a ~4 line patch :-) which is encouraging, that was just noticing this: + +/d -/d +/data/ -/data/ +/data/opt/OOIn -/data/opt/OOIn +/data/opt/OOInstall/program/oo -/data/opt/OOInstall/program/oo +/data/opt/OOInstall/program/oosplash in the URI handling code ;-) trivially fixed. There are lots of other instances of ineffiency visible here though eg. +SINGLETONS +com.sun.star.deployment.thePackageManagerFactory +/SINGLETONS/ -/SINGLETONS/ +/SINGLETONS/com.sun.star.deployment.thePackageManagerFactory -SINGLETONS -com.sun.star.deployment.thePackageManagerFactory -/ -/SINGLETONS/com.sun.star.deployment.thePackageManagerFactory +/ +SINGLETONS +com.sun.star.deployment.thePackageManagerFactory +/SINGLETONS/ -/SINGLETONS/ +/SINGLETONS/com.sun.star.deployment.thePackageManagerFactory -SINGLETONS -com.sun.star.deployment.thePackageManagerFactory -/ -/SINGLETONS/com.sun.star.deployment.thePackageManagerFactory repeated a dozen+ times back to back for no obvious reason :-) $ zcat /tmp/llog4.txt.gz | grep +/SINGLETONS/com.sun.star.deployment.thePackageManagerFactory | wc -l 159 We seem to do this dozens of times for each of our singletons, and so on. Of course, the log is by no means perfect, but hopefully it shows something useful :-) ATB, Michael. -- michael.meeks@suse.com <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot
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