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Hi Stephan and Michael,

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 09:03, Stephan Bergmann <> wrote:

Nice approach.  :)  One remark re "Looking for .cxx files whose first
include is not the header file...":  I did not look into the articles you
cite to see whether or why they advocate to include the corresponding header
first in the .cxx file

According to the article that is the "most important guideline" taken
from this book:

Large Scale C++ Software Design by John Lakos

Makes one curious doesn't it? See if one can get hold of that book,
seems applicable for LO development.

On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 19:12, Michael Meeks <> wrote:

       Well - the pre-compiled headers would make -tons- of includes look
useless anyway, though (I thought) we had decided to get rid of them as
an under-maintained and bad job anyway ;-)

       Have you tried acting on this lot:

Looking for useless includes in header files...
       AccessibleCell.hxx --> global.hxx (useless)
       AccessibleCellBase.hxx --> global.hxx (useless)
       AccessiblePreviewHeaderCell.hxx --> global.hxx (useless)
       AccessibleTableBase.hxx --> global.hxx (useless)

       And turning it into some patches to remove those headers & seeing if it
compiles nicely ? if so it'd be nice to include that no doubt.

Sure, I can do that, I'll give it a spin and see if it pops...



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