Hi, There has been some interesting discussions here on the mailinglist about static analyzer tools, unused includes and the impact of the physical code structure on build times. This got me distracted from what I normally do here and after some short time searching the web, I stumbled upon this: http://gamesfromwithin.com/physical-structure-and-c-part-1-a-first-look http://gamesfromwithin.com/physical-structure-and-c-part-2-build-times Although this did not contain much more info than what has already surfaced in the discussions here, I found it a quite interesting read. I also loved the idea how he uses doxygen to analyze the code. This approach is of course very hackarish and limited compared with a dedicated tool, however I just had to try it... What I did: 1: I created a folder "doxygen" in the root of the sc module. 2. Adapted his script and put it in this folder. 3. Made a simple doxygen config file (Doxyfile) and ran doxygen 4. finally ran the script: ./analyze_includes.pl > analyze.log Anyway, I have not analyzed the results myself in detail but it is a shame it only detects unused includes in header files. I've included the files If someone else wants to have a go... /Albert
C++ Include Analyzer Looking for .cxx files whose first include is not the header file... AccessibleFilterMenu.cxx --> AccessibleGlobal.hxx AccessibleFilterMenuItem.cxx --> AccessibleGlobal.hxx AccessiblePageHeaderArea.cxx --> tools/gen.hxx AccessiblePreviewCell.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx AccessiblePreviewHeaderCell.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx AccessibleText.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx acredlin.cxx --> comphelper/string.hxx addin.cxx --> usr/factoryhlp.hxx addincfg.cxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Any.hxx addincol.cxx --> comphelper/processfactory.hxx addinlis.cxx --> sfx2/objsh.hxx addruno.cxx --> com/sun/star/table/CellAddress.hpp adiasync.cxx --> sfx2/objsh.hxx afmtuno.cxx --> editeng/memberids.hrc anyrefdg.cxx --> rangelst.hxx appoptio.cxx --> vcl/svapp.hxx arealink.cxx --> comphelper/string.hxx areasave.cxx --> sfx2/linkmgr.hxx areasdlg.cxx --> rangelst.hxx asciiopt.cxx --> global.hxx attarray.cxx --> svx/algitem.hxx attrdlg.cxx --> sfx2/objsh.hxx attrib.cxx --> com/sun/star/util/CellProtection.hpp auditsh.cxx --> svl/srchitem.hxx autofmt.cxx --> svx/algitem.hxx autonamecache.cxx --> unotools/transliterationwrapper.hxx autostyl.cxx --> time.h bcaslot.cxx --> sfx2/objsh.hxx biff.cxx --> sal/config.h callform.cxx --> vcl/svapp.hxx cbuttonw.cxx --> vcl/outdev.hxx cell.cxx --> svl/zforlist.hxx cell2.cxx --> algorithm cellform.cxx --> sfx2/objsh.hxx cellsh.cxx --> svl/slstitm.hxx cellsh1.cxx --> com/sun/star/i18n/TextConversionOption.hpp cellsh2.cxx --> sfx2/viewfrm.hxx cellsh3.cxx --> sfx2/viewfrm.hxx cellsh4.cxx --> sfx2/request.hxx cellsuno.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx chartarr.cxx --> svl/intitem.hxx chartlis.cxx --> vcl/svapp.hxx chartlock.cxx --> vcl/svapp.hxx chartpos.cxx --> tools/table.hxx chartsh.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx chartuno.cxx --> com/sun/star/embed/Aspects.hpp chgtrack.cxx --> tools/shl.hxx chgviset.cxx --> unotools/textsearch.hxx client.cxx --> com/sun/star/embed/XEmbeddedObject.hpp colrowba.cxx --> svx/svdtrans.hxx column.cxx --> map column2.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx column3.cxx --> boost/scoped_ptr.hpp compiler.cxx --> sfx2/app.hxx condfrmt.cxx --> sfx2/dispatch.hxx conditio.cxx --> sfx2/objsh.hxx conflictsdlg.cxx --> comphelper/string.hxx consdlg.cxx --> sfx2/dispatch.hxx content.cxx --> svx/svditer.hxx convuno.cxx --> i18npool/mslangid.hxx crnrdlg.cxx --> reffact.hxx cursuno.cxx --> svl/intitem.hxx dapidata.cxx --> vcl/waitobj.hxx dapiuno.cxx --> algorithm datauno.cxx --> svl/smplhint.hxx dbdata.cxx --> unotools/transliterationwrapper.hxx dbdocfun.cxx --> sfx2/app.hxx dbdocimp.cxx --> comphelper/processfactory.hxx dbdocutl.cxx --> com/sun/star/sdbc/DataType.hpp dbfunc.cxx --> sfx2/app.hxx dbfunc2.cxx --> dbfunc.hxx dbfunc3.cxx --> dbfunc.hxx dbfunc4.cxx --> svx/svditer.hxx dbnamdlg.cxx --> vcl/msgbox.hxx ddelink.cxx --> comphelper/string.hxx defltuno.cxx --> editeng/memberids.hrc detfunc.cxx --> svtools/colorcfg.hxx detreg.cxx --> com/sun/star/lang/XServiceInfo.hpp difexp.cxx --> rtl/math.hxx difimp.cxx --> math.h dispuno.cxx --> sfx2/viewfrm.hxx docfunc.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx dociter.cxx --> svl/zforlist.hxx docoptio.cxx --> vcl/svapp.hxx docpool.cxx --> tools/shl.hxx docsh.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx docsh2.cxx --> svx/svdpage.hxx docsh3.cxx --> com/sun/star/document/XDocumentPropertiesSupplier.hpp docsh4.cxx --> com/sun/star/embed/XEmbeddedObject.hpp docsh5.cxx --> vcl/svapp.hxx docsh6.cxx --> svx/pageitem.hxx docsh7.cxx --> docsh.hxx docsh8.cxx --> stdio.h documen2.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx documen3.cxx --> com/sun/star/script/vba/XVBAEventProcessor.hpp documen4.cxx --> svl/intitem.hxx documen5.cxx --> com/sun/star/util/XModifiable.hpp documen6.cxx --> editeng/scripttypeitem.hxx documen7.cxx --> vcl/svapp.hxx documen8.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx documen9.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx document.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx docuno.cxx --> svx/fmdpage.hxx dpgroup.cxx --> com/sun/star/i18n/CalendarDisplayIndex.hpp dpoutput.cxx --> svx/algitem.hxx dpshttab.cxx --> svl/zforlist.hxx dptabdat.cxx --> stdio.h drawpage.cxx --> sfx2/objsh.hxx drawsh.cxx --> svx/svxdlg.hxx drawsh2.cxx --> com/sun/star/embed/EmbedMisc.hpp drawsh4.cxx --> svx/drawitem.hxx drawsh5.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx drawutil.cxx --> vcl/outdev.hxx drawvie2.cxx --> drawview.hxx drawvie3.cxx --> svx/svdograf.hxx drawvie4.cxx --> com/sun/star/embed/NoVisualAreaSizeException.hpp drawview.cxx --> com/sun/star/embed/EmbedStates.hpp drformsh.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx drtxtob.cxx --> com/sun/star/linguistic2/XThesaurus.hpp drtxtob1.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx drtxtob2.cxx --> editeng/adjitem.hxx drwlayer.cxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx drwtrans.cxx --> com/sun/star/embed/XTransactedObject.hpp dwfunctr.cxx --> comphelper/string.hxx editsh.cxx --> com/sun/star/linguistic2/XThesaurus.hpp editutil.cxx --> comphelper/string.hxx eeimpars.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx excdoc.cxx --> comphelper/processfactory.hxx excel.cxx --> sfx2/docfile.hxx excform8.cxx --> excform.hxx exctools.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx expop.cxx --> dociter.hxx expop2.cxx --> unotools/fltrcfg.hxx export.cxx --> exp_op.hxx fielduno.cxx --> svl/smplhint.hxx fieldwnd.cxx --> comphelper/string.hxx filldlg.cxx --> svl/zforlist.hxx fillinfo.cxx --> editeng/boxitem.hxx filtdlg.cxx --> rangelst.hxx filter.cxx --> tools/solar.h filters-test.cxx --> sal/config.h filtopt.cxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Any.hxx filtuno.cxx --> com/sun/star/ui/dialogs/ExecutableDialogResults.hpp fmtuno.cxx --> boost/bind.hpp fontbuff.cxx --> lotfntbf.hxx foptmgr.cxx --> vcl/morebtn.hxx forbiuno.cxx --> editeng/forbiddencharacterstable.hxx formatsh.cxx --> com/sun/star/style/XStyleFamiliesSupplier.hpp formula.cxx --> sfx2/dispatch.hxx frmbase.cxx --> formel.hxx fuconstr.cxx --> editeng/outliner.hxx fudraw.cxx --> editeng/editeng.hxx fuins1.cxx --> sfx2/opengrf.hxx fuins2.cxx --> com/sun/star/embed/NoVisualAreaSizeException.hpp fumark.cxx --> sfx2/dispatch.hxx funcuno.cxx --> sfx2/app.hxx fupoor.cxx --> editeng/outliner.hxx fusel.cxx --> com/sun/star/embed/EmbedStates.hpp fusel2.cxx --> svx/svditer.hxx futext.cxx --> svx/svddef.hxx futext2.cxx --> svx/svdmodel.hxx futext3.cxx --> editeng/editeng.hxx galwrap.cxx --> vcl/graph.hxx global.cxx --> vcl/svapp.hxx global2.cxx --> sfx2/docfile.hxx globalx.cxx --> callform.hxx graphsh.cxx --> sfx2/app.hxx gridmerg.cxx --> vcl/outdev.hxx gridwin.cxx --> memory gridwin2.cxx --> vcl/msgbox.hxx gridwin3.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx gridwin4.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx gridwin5.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx hdrcont.cxx --> sfx2/dispatch.hxx hfedtdlg.cxx --> svl/eitem.hxx highred.cxx --> global.hxx htmlexp.cxx --> comphelper/string.hxx htmlexp2.cxx --> svx/svditer.hxx htmlimp.cxx --> comphelper/string.hxx htmlpars.cxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp imapwrap.cxx --> svx/imapdlg.hxx impex.cxx --> stdio.h impop.cxx --> imp_op.hxx inputhdl.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx inputopt.cxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Any.hxx inputwin.cxx --> algorithm instbdlg.cxx --> sfx2/app.hxx interpr1.cxx --> editeng/langitem.hxx interpr2.cxx --> sfx2/linkmgr.hxx interpr3.cxx --> tools/solar.h interpr4.cxx --> rangelst.hxx interpr5.cxx --> rtl/math.hxx interpr6.cxx --> rtl/logfile.hxx interpr7.cxx --> interpre.hxx invmerge.cxx --> vcl/window.hxx lbseldlg.cxx --> vcl/msgbox.hxx linkarea.cxx --> comphelper/string.hxx linkuno.cxx --> svl/smplhint.hxx listenercalls.cxx --> com/sun/star/util/XModifyListener.hpp lnktrans.cxx --> svl/urlbmk.hxx lotform.cxx --> decl.h lotread.cxx --> document.hxx lotus.cxx --> lotimpop.hxx macros-test.cxx --> sal/config.h mediash.cxx --> sfx2/app.hxx memory.cxx --> svx/algitem.hxx miscuno.cxx --> vcl/svapp.hxx msgpool.cxx --> svx/dialogs.hrc mvtabdlg.cxx --> vcl/msgbox.hxx namedlg.cxx --> global.hxx namemgrtable.cxx --> global.hxx nameuno.cxx --> svl/smplhint.hxx navcitem.cxx --> svl/intitem.hxx navipi.cxx --> rangelst.hxx notemark.cxx --> svx/svdoutl.hxx notesuno.cxx --> svl/smplhint.hxx odffmap.cxx --> compiler.hxx oleobjsh.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx olinefun.cxx --> vcl/sound.hxx olinetab.cxx --> limits.h olinewin.cxx --> vcl/svapp.hxx olkact.cxx --> sfx2/childwin.hxx op.cxx --> tools/solar.h opredlin.cxx --> svx/dlgutil.hxx optab.cxx --> op.h optsolver.cxx --> rangelst.hxx optuno.cxx --> svl/itemprop.hxx optutil.cxx --> vcl/svapp.hxx output.cxx --> com/sun/star/embed/EmbedMisc.hpp output2.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx output3.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx pagedata.cxx --> string.h pagepar.cxx --> string.h patattr.cxx --> editeng/adjitem.hxx pfiltdlg.cxx --> vcl/waitobj.hxx pfuncache.cxx --> tools/multisel.hxx pgbrksh.cxx --> svl/srchitem.hxx pivot2.cxx --> editeng/boxitem.hxx pivotsh.cxx --> svl/srchitem.hxx poolhelp.cxx --> svl/zforlist.hxx preview.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx prevloc.cxx --> vcl/outdev.hxx prevwsh.cxx --> comphelper/string.hxx prevwsh2.cxx --> svx/svdmodel.hxx printfun.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx printopt.cxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Any.hxx progress.cxx --> sfx2/app.hxx qpro.cxx --> sal/config.h qproform.cxx --> rtl/strbuf.hxx qprostyle.cxx --> sal/config.h rangelst.cxx --> stdlib.h rangenam.cxx --> string.h rangeseq.cxx --> svl/zforlist.hxx read.cxx --> stdlib.h redcom.cxx --> vcl/msgbox.hxx reffact.cxx --> sfx2/app.hxx reffind.cxx --> string.h result.cxx --> usr/ustring.hxx rtfexp.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx rtfimp.cxx --> global.hxx rtfparse.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx scabstdlg.cxx --> osl/module.hxx sccellrangeobj.cxx --> test/unoapi_test.hxx scdatabaserangeobj.cxx --> test/unoapi_test.hxx scdatapilotfieldobj.cxx --> test/unoapi_test.hxx scdatapilottableobj.cxx --> test/unoapi_test.hxx scdetect.cxx --> sal/macros.h scdlgfact.cxx --> sc.hrc scdll.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx scendlg.cxx --> svx/drawitem.hxx scenwnd.cxx --> sfx2/bindings.hxx scextopt.cxx --> vector scflt.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx scfobj.cxx --> com/sun/star/embed/XEmbeddedObject.hpp scmatrix.cxx --> global.hxx scmod.cxx --> com/sun/star/ui/dialogs/XExecutableDialog.hpp scmod2.cxx --> editeng/unolingu.hxx scnamedrangeobj.cxx --> test/unoapi_test.hxx scnamedrangesobj.cxx --> test/unoapi_test.hxx sctablesheetobj.cxx --> test/unoapi_test.hxx sctablesheetsobj.cxx --> test/unoapi_test.hxx scuiasciiopt.cxx --> global.hxx scuiautofmt.cxx --> svx/algitem.hxx scuiexp.cxx --> sal/types.h scuiimoptdlg.cxx --> scresid.hxx scuitphfedit.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx select.cxx --> tools/urlobj.hxx seltrans.cxx --> com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp service.cxx --> cppuhelper/implementationentry.hxx servobj.cxx --> sot/formats.hxx servuno.cxx --> sal/macros.h sfiltdlg.cxx --> sfx2/dispatch.hxx shapeuno.cxx --> comphelper/uno3.hxx sharedocdlg.cxx --> osl/security.hxx sheetdata.cxx --> rtl/ustring.hxx shtabdlg.cxx --> vcl/msgbox.hxx simpref.cxx --> vcl/msgbox.hxx sizedev.cxx --> sfx2/printer.hxx solvrdlg.cxx --> rangelst.hxx sortdlg.cxx --> vcl/msgbox.hxx srchuno.cxx --> svl/srchitem.hxx stlpool.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx stlsheet.cxx --> document.hxx styledlg.cxx --> svx/numinf.hxx styleuno.cxx --> editeng/memberids.hrc subsequent_filters-test.cxx --> sal/config.h subtdlg.cxx --> tpsubt.hxx tabcont.cxx --> sfx2/viewfrm.hxx table1.cxx --> svx/algitem.hxx table2.cxx --> editeng/boxitem.hxx table3.cxx --> rtl/math.hxx table4.cxx --> svx/algitem.hxx table5.cxx --> attrib.hxx table6.cxx --> com/sun/star/i18n/TransliterationModules.hpp tablink.cxx --> sfx2/sfxsids.hrc tabopdlg.cxx --> sfx2/dispatch.hxx tabpages.cxx --> global.hxx tabview.cxx --> vcl/svapp.hxx tabview2.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx tabview3.cxx --> rangelst.hxx tabview4.cxx --> vcl/help.hxx tabview5.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx tabvwsh.cxx --> svx/galbrws.hxx tabvwsh2.cxx --> sfx2/bindings.hxx tabvwsh3.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx tabvwsh4.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx tabvwsh5.cxx --> svl/smplhint.hxx tabvwsh8.cxx --> editeng/boxitem.hxx tabvwsh9.cxx --> svx/svdmark.hxx tabvwsha.cxx --> svl/stritem.hxx tabvwshb.cxx --> com/sun/star/embed/NoVisualAreaSizeException.hpp tabvwshc.cxx --> vcl/msgbox.hxx tabvwshd.cxx --> sfx2/childwin.hxx tabvwshe.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx tabvwshf.cxx --> boost/scoped_ptr.hpp tabvwshg.cxx --> tools/urlobj.hxx tabvwshh.cxx --> svx/svdmark.hxx targuno.cxx --> vcl/image.hxx tbinsert.cxx --> string test.cxx --> svtools/libcall.hxx testvba.cxx --> cppuhelper/bootstrap.hxx textdlgs.cxx --> svx/svxids.hrc textuno.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx token.cxx --> cstddef tokstack.cxx --> string.h tool.cxx --> svx/algitem.hxx tpcalc.cxx --> vcl/msgbox.hxx tpformula.cxx --> svl/eitem.hxx tphf.cxx --> sfx2/basedlgs.hxx tphfedit.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx tpprint.cxx --> svl/eitem.hxx tpsort.cxx --> vcl/msgbox.hxx tpstat.cxx --> document.hxx tpsubt.cxx --> uiitems.hxx tpusrlst.cxx --> comphelper/string.hxx transobj.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx typemap.cxx --> svx/svxids.hrc ucalc.cxx --> sal/config.h undobase.cxx --> vcl/virdev.hxx undoblk.cxx --> vcl/virdev.hxx undoblk2.cxx --> undoblk.hxx undoblk3.cxx --> svx/algitem.hxx undocell.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx undodat.cxx --> sfx2/app.hxx undodraw.cxx --> svx/svdundo.hxx undoolk.cxx --> svx/svdundo.hxx undostyl.cxx --> svl/itemset.hxx undotab.cxx --> sfx2/app.hxx unitconv.cxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Any.hxx unodoc.cxx --> rtl/ustring.hxx userlist.cxx --> unotools/charclass.hxx validat.cxx --> sfx2/app.hxx validate.cxx --> comphelper/string.hxx vbaapplication.cxx --> stdio.h vbaassistant.cxx --> sfx2/app.hxx vbachartobject.cxx --> vbachart.hxx vbachartobjects.cxx --> vbachart.hxx vbadialogs.cxx --> ooo/vba/excel/XDialog.hpp vbafont.cxx --> com/sun/star/beans/XProperty.hpp vbaformatconditions.cxx --> ooo/vba/excel/XRange.hpp vbaglobals.cxx --> vbahelper/helperdecl.hxx vbahelper.cxx --> cppuhelper/bootstrap.hxx vbainterior.cxx --> com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp vbaname.cxx --> vbahelper/helperdecl.hxx vbanames.cxx --> vbahelper/helperdecl.hxx vbaoleobject.cxx --> com/sun/star/awt/XControlModel.hpp vbaoleobjects.cxx --> com/sun/star/container/XEnumerationAccess.hpp vbatextframe.cxx --> vbahelper/helperdecl.hxx vbawindow.cxx --> vbahelper/helperdecl.hxx vbaworkbook.cxx --> vbahelper/helperdecl.hxx vbaworkbooks.cxx --> comphelper/processfactory.hxx vbaworksheet.cxx --> vbahelper/helperdecl.hxx vbawsfunction.cxx --> com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp viewdata.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx viewfun2.cxx --> comphelper/string.hxx viewfun3.cxx --> svx/dbexch.hrc viewfun4.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx viewfun5.cxx --> com/sun/star/embed/XEmbedObjectClipboardCreator.hpp viewfun6.cxx --> svx/svdundo.hxx viewfun7.cxx --> com/sun/star/embed/NoVisualAreaSizeException.hpp viewfunc.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx viewopti.cxx --> vcl/svapp.hxx viewuno.cxx --> com/sun/star/awt/MouseButton.hpp viewutil.cxx --> sfx2/bindings.hxx waitoff.cxx --> vcl/window.hxx xcl97esc.cxx --> com/sun/star/awt/XControlModel.hpp xcl97rec.cxx --> svx/svdpool.hxx XclExpChangeTrack.cxx --> stdio.h xeformula.cxx --> xelink.hxx xehelper.cxx --> com/sun/star/i18n/XBreakIterator.hpp xeroot.cxx --> rtl/random.h xestream.cxx --> stdarg.h xestring.cxx --> algorithm xistream.cxx --> comphelper/docpasswordhelper.hxx xlpivot.cxx --> dpgroup.hxx xltools.cxx --> algorithm xmlbodyi.cxx --> cstdio xmlexprt.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx xmlfonte.cxx --> editeng/eeitem.hxx xmlimprt.cxx --> svl/zforlist.hxx xmlnexpi.cxx --> rtl/ustrbuf.hxx xmlsceni.cxx --> document.hxx XMLTableHeaderFooterContext.cxx --> com/sun/star/text/XText.hpp XMLTableMasterPageExport.cxx --> xmloff/xmlnmspe.hxx xmlwrap.cxx --> rsc/rscsfx.hxx zforauto.cxx --> svl/zforlist.hxx Looking for duplicate includes in hxx files... AccessibleCell.hxx --> global.hxx AccessibleCell.hxx --> global.hxx AccessibleCellBase.hxx --> cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx AccessibleCellBase.hxx --> address.hxx AccessibleCsvControl.hxx --> cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx AccessibleFilterMenu.hxx --> cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx AccessibleFilterMenuItem.hxx --> cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx AccessibleFilterTopWindow.hxx --> cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx AccessiblePreviewHeaderCell.hxx --> cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx AccessiblePreviewHeaderCell.hxx --> address.hxx AccessiblePreviewTable.hxx --> cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx AccessibleTableBase.hxx --> address.hxx AccessibleText.hxx --> global.hxx AccessibleText.hxx --> global.hxx acredlin.hxx --> rangenam.hxx acredlin.hxx --> vcl/timer.hxx acredlin.hxx --> rangenam.hxx acredlin.hxx --> vcl/timer.hxx addincol.hxx --> tools/string.hxx addincol.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h addincol.hxx --> scdllapi.h addincol.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp addincol.hxx --> global.hxx addincol.hxx --> tools/string.hxx addincol.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h addincol.hxx --> scdllapi.h addincol.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp addruno.hxx --> address.hxx anyrefdg.hxx --> address.hxx anyrefdg.hxx --> memory anyrefdg.hxx --> address.hxx anyrefdg.hxx --> address.hxx appoptio.hxx --> scdllapi.h appoptio.hxx --> global.hxx appoptio.hxx --> scdllapi.h appoptio.hxx --> unotools/configitem.hxx appoptio.hxx --> scdllapi.h arealink.hxx --> address.hxx arealink.hxx --> scdllapi.h arealink.hxx --> scdllapi.h arealink.hxx --> scdllapi.h areasdlg.hxx --> address.hxx asciiopt.hxx --> tools/string.hxx asciiopt.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx asciiopt.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h attarray.hxx --> global.hxx attrib.hxx --> scdllapi.h attrib.hxx --> address.hxx attrib.hxx --> scdllapi.h autoform.hxx --> scdllapi.h autonamecache.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp autonamecache.hxx --> address.hxx bcaslot.hxx --> global.hxx biff.hxx --> filter.hxx bigrange.hxx --> global.hxx brdcst.hxx --> address.hxx cell.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx cell.hxx --> rtl/ustrbuf.hxx cell.hxx --> scdllapi.h cell.hxx --> vector cell.hxx --> global.hxx cell.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx cell.hxx --> rtl/ustrbuf.hxx cell.hxx --> scdllapi.h cell.hxx --> global.hxx cell.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx cell.hxx --> rtl/ustrbuf.hxx cell.hxx --> scdllapi.h cell.hxx --> vector cell.hxx --> tools/mempool.hxx cell.hxx --> global.hxx cell.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx cell.hxx --> rtl/ustrbuf.hxx cell.hxx --> scdllapi.h cellkeytranslator.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp cellsh.hxx --> sfx2/shell.hxx cellsh.hxx --> shellids.hxx cellsh.hxx --> sfx2/module.hxx cellsh.hxx --> svx/svdmark.hxx cellsuno.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx cellsuno.hxx --> global.hxx cellsuno.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx cellsuno.hxx --> vector chart2uno.hxx --> rangelst.hxx chart2uno.hxx --> svl/lstner.hxx chart2uno.hxx --> com/sun/star/lang/XServiceInfo.hpp chart2uno.hxx --> com/sun/star/util/XModifyBroadcaster.hpp chart2uno.hxx --> cppuhelper/implbase2.hxx chart2uno.hxx --> svl/itemprop.hxx chart2uno.hxx --> vector chart2uno.hxx --> vector chart2uno.hxx --> rangelst.hxx chart2uno.hxx --> svl/lstner.hxx chart2uno.hxx --> list chart2uno.hxx --> vector chart2uno.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp chart2uno.hxx --> boost/unordered_set.hpp chart2uno.hxx --> vector chart2uno.hxx --> memory chart2uno.hxx --> rangelst.hxx chart2uno.hxx --> externalrefmgr.hxx chart2uno.hxx --> token.hxx chart2uno.hxx --> svl/lstner.hxx chart2uno.hxx --> list chart2uno.hxx --> vector chart2uno.hxx --> memory chart2uno.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp chart2uno.hxx --> boost/unordered_set.hpp chart2uno.hxx --> boost/scoped_ptr.hpp chartarr.hxx --> rangelst.hxx charthelper.hxx --> tools/solar.h charthelper.hxx --> tools/solar.h charthelper.hxx --> address.hxx charthelper.hxx --> tools/solar.h charthelper.hxx --> address.hxx charthelper.hxx --> global.hxx chartlis.hxx --> vector chartlis.hxx --> memory chartlis.hxx --> vector chartlis.hxx --> vcl/timer.hxx chartlis.hxx --> rangelst.hxx chartlis.hxx --> vector chartlis.hxx --> list chartlis.hxx --> boost/unordered_set.hpp chartsh.hxx --> sfx2/shell.hxx chartsh.hxx --> shellids.hxx chartsh.hxx --> sfx2/module.hxx chartsh.hxx --> svx/svdmark.hxx chartuno.hxx --> tools/string.hxx chgtrack.hxx --> tools/string.hxx chgtrack.hxx --> scdllapi.h chgtrack.hxx --> map chgtrack.hxx --> set chgtrack.hxx --> tools/string.hxx chgtrack.hxx --> global.hxx chgtrack.hxx --> scdllapi.h chgviset.hxx --> tools/string.hxx chgviset.hxx --> scdllapi.h clipparam.hxx --> vector clipparam.hxx --> vector clipparam.hxx --> rangelst.hxx clipparam.hxx --> vector column.hxx --> address.hxx column.hxx --> address.hxx column.hxx --> global.hxx column.hxx --> address.hxx column.hxx --> vector compiler.hxx --> scdllapi.h compiler.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx compiler.hxx --> rtl/ustrbuf.hxx compiler.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp compiler.hxx --> scdllapi.h compiler.hxx --> global.hxx compiler.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx compiler.hxx --> rtl/ustrbuf.hxx compiler.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp conditio.hxx --> address.hxx conditio.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx conditio.hxx --> scdllapi.h conditio.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx conditio.hxx --> scdllapi.h conditio.hxx --> global.hxx conditio.hxx --> address.hxx conditio.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx conditio.hxx --> scdllapi.h consdlg.hxx --> global.hxx consoli.hxx --> address.hxx content.hxx --> address.hxx content.hxx --> tools/solar.h content.hxx --> tools/solar.h convuno.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h convuno.hxx --> address.hxx core_pch.hxx --> svx/svxids.hrc core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> global.hxx core_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/rtti.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> global.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/color.hxx core_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/gen.hxx core_pch.hxx --> markarr.hxx core_pch.hxx --> vcl/timer.hxx core_pch.hxx --> rangelst.hxx core_pch.hxx --> vcl/prntypes.hxx core_pch.hxx --> table.hxx core_pch.hxx --> column.hxx core_pch.hxx --> svl/hint.hxx core_pch.hxx --> svl/smplhint.hxx core_pch.hxx --> svl/zforlist.hxx core_pch.hxx --> brdcst.hxx core_pch.hxx --> rangenam.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> global.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/color.hxx core_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/gen.hxx core_pch.hxx --> markarr.hxx core_pch.hxx --> column.hxx core_pch.hxx --> rangenam.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> global.hxx core_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h core_pch.hxx --> markarr.hxx core_pch.hxx --> rangenam.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> global.hxx core_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h core_pch.hxx --> stddef.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/mempool.hxx core_pch.hxx --> rangenam.hxx core_pch.hxx --> scmatrix.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> string.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> global.hxx core_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/mempool.hxx core_pch.hxx --> svl/poolitem.hxx core_pch.hxx --> svl/itemset.hxx core_pch.hxx --> editeng/svxenum.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> global.hxx core_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h core_pch.hxx --> svl/poolitem.hxx core_pch.hxx --> svl/eitem.hxx core_pch.hxx --> svl/intitem.hxx core_pch.hxx --> svl/itempool.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/link.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> global.hxx core_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h core_pch.hxx --> vcl/timer.hxx core_pch.hxx --> svl/lstner.hxx core_pch.hxx --> svl/poolitem.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/shl.hxx core_pch.hxx --> sfx2/sfxdefs.hxx core_pch.hxx --> sfx2/module.hxx core_pch.hxx --> scdll.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> svl/style.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> global.hxx core_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> global.hxx core_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h core_pch.hxx --> svl/svarray.hxx core_pch.hxx --> rangelst.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/rtti.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> global.hxx core_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h core_pch.hxx --> svl/hint.hxx core_pch.hxx --> svl/smplhint.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> global.hxx core_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h core_pch.hxx --> sfx2/sfxdefs.hxx core_pch.hxx --> sfx2/module.hxx core_pch.hxx --> svl/style.hxx core_pch.hxx --> sfx2/progress.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> global.hxx core_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h core_pch.hxx --> vcl/graph.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/resid.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> global.hxx core_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h core_pch.hxx --> svl/poolitem.hxx core_pch.hxx --> svl/eitem.hxx core_pch.hxx --> svl/intitem.hxx core_pch.hxx --> attrib.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/rtti.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> global.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/color.hxx core_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/gen.hxx core_pch.hxx --> markarr.hxx core_pch.hxx --> vcl/timer.hxx core_pch.hxx --> rangelst.hxx core_pch.hxx --> document.hxx core_pch.hxx --> vcl/prntypes.hxx core_pch.hxx --> table.hxx core_pch.hxx --> column.hxx core_pch.hxx --> svl/hint.hxx core_pch.hxx --> svl/lstner.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/time.hxx core_pch.hxx --> stddef.h core_pch.hxx --> cell.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/mempool.hxx core_pch.hxx --> svl/smplhint.hxx core_pch.hxx --> svl/zforlist.hxx core_pch.hxx --> sfx2/objsh.hxx core_pch.hxx --> math.h core_pch.hxx --> sfx2/sfxdefs.hxx core_pch.hxx --> sfx2/module.hxx core_pch.hxx --> brdcst.hxx core_pch.hxx --> scdll.hxx core_pch.hxx --> rangenam.hxx core_pch.hxx --> scmatrix.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> global.hxx core_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> global.hxx core_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> global.hxx core_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> global.hxx core_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h core_pch.hxx --> vcl/timer.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> global.hxx core_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h core_pch.hxx --> svl/svarray.hxx core_pch.hxx --> rangelst.hxx core_pch.hxx --> conditio.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> global.hxx core_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h core_pch.hxx --> svl/svarray.hxx core_pch.hxx --> callform.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> global.hxx core_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h core_pch.hxx --> scmatrix.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx core_pch.hxx --> global.hxx core_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h core_pch.hxx --> vcl/timer.hxx core_pch.hxx --> rangelst.hxx core_pch.hxx --> svl/lstner.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/time.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/mempool.hxx core_pch.hxx --> svl/zforlist.hxx core_pch.hxx --> sfx2/objsh.hxx core_pch.hxx --> scmatrix.hxx core_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h core_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx crnrdlg.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp crnrdlg.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp csv_handler.hxx --> document.hxx csvcontrol.hxx --> scdllapi.h csvcontrol.hxx --> address.hxx csvcontrol.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx csvcontrol.hxx --> scdllapi.h csvgrid.hxx --> vector csvgrid.hxx --> scdllapi.h csvgrid.hxx --> csvsplits.hxx csvgrid.hxx --> vector csvruler.hxx --> csvsplits.hxx csvruler.hxx --> scdllapi.h csvtablebox.hxx --> vcl/ctrl.hxx csvtablebox.hxx --> scdllapi.h csvtablebox.hxx --> vcl/ctrl.hxx csvtablebox.hxx --> scdllapi.h csvtablebox.hxx --> csvcontrol.hxx csvtablebox.hxx --> vcl/ctrl.hxx csvtablebox.hxx --> scdllapi.h csvtablebox.hxx --> csvcontrol.hxx dapiuno.hxx --> global.hxx dapiuno.hxx --> com/sun/star/sheet/DataPilotFieldAutoShowInfo.hpp dapiuno.hxx --> com/sun/star/sheet/DataPilotFieldLayoutInfo.hpp dapiuno.hxx --> com/sun/star/sheet/DataPilotFieldReference.hpp dapiuno.hxx --> com/sun/star/sheet/DataPilotFieldSortInfo.hpp dapiuno.hxx --> com/sun/star/sheet/GeneralFunction.hpp dapiuno.hxx --> vector dapiuno.hxx --> global.hxx dapiuno.hxx --> vector dapiuno.hxx --> global.hxx dapiuno.hxx --> svl/lstner.hxx dapiuno.hxx --> svl/itemprop.hxx dapiuno.hxx --> com/sun/star/lang/XServiceInfo.hpp dapiuno.hxx --> com/sun/star/lang/XUnoTunnel.hpp dapiuno.hxx --> com/sun/star/container/XNameContainer.hpp dapiuno.hxx --> com/sun/star/util/XModifyBroadcaster.hpp dapiuno.hxx --> cppuhelper/implbase2.hxx dapiuno.hxx --> cppuhelper/implbase3.hxx dapiuno.hxx --> vector datafdlg.hxx --> global.hxx datafdlg.hxx --> boost/ptr_container/ptr_vector.hpp datauno.hxx --> global.hxx datauno.hxx --> global.hxx dbdata.hxx --> scdllapi.h dbdata.hxx --> scdllapi.h dbdata.hxx --> scdllapi.h dbdata.hxx --> address.hxx dbdocfun.hxx --> tools/solar.h dbdocfun.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx dbdocutl.hxx --> tools/solar.h dbnamdlg.hxx --> vector dbnamdlg.hxx --> vcl/fixed.hxx ddelink.hxx --> address.hxx debughelper.hxx --> rtl/ustring.hxx detfunc.hxx --> scdllapi.h detfunc.hxx --> address.hxx detfunc.hxx --> scdllapi.h detfunc.hxx --> vector dif.hxx --> tools/string.hxx dif.hxx --> tools/string.hxx dif.hxx --> address.hxx docfunc.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx docfunc.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx docfunc.hxx --> vector docfunc.hxx --> global.hxx docfunc.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx docfunc.hxx --> vector docfunc.hxx --> global.hxx docfunc.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx docfunc.hxx --> vector docfunc.hxx --> map dociter.hxx --> tools/solar.h dociter.hxx --> scdllapi.h dociter.hxx --> address.hxx dociter.hxx --> tools/solar.h dociter.hxx --> scdllapi.h docoptio.hxx --> scdllapi.h docoptio.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx docoptio.hxx --> unotools/configitem.hxx docoptio.hxx --> scdllapi.h docsh.hxx --> sfx2/docfac.hxx docsh.hxx --> scdllapi.h docsh.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp docsh.hxx --> sfx2/docfac.hxx docsh.hxx --> scdllapi.h docsh.hxx --> scdll.hxx docsh.hxx --> shellids.hxx docsh.hxx --> optutil.hxx docsh.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp docsh.hxx --> scdllapi.h docsh.hxx --> scdllapi.h document.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx document.hxx --> scdllapi.h document.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx document.hxx --> vector document.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx document.hxx --> scdllapi.h document.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx document.hxx --> map document.hxx --> vector document.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx document.hxx --> scdllapi.h document.hxx --> rangenam.hxx document.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx document.hxx --> map document.hxx --> set document.hxx --> vector document.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx document.hxx --> scdllapi.h document.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx document.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx document.hxx --> scdllapi.h document.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx document.hxx --> vector document.hxx --> scdllapi.h document.hxx --> set docuno.hxx --> address.hxx doubleref.hxx --> address.hxx dpcachetable.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx dpdimsave.hxx --> vector dpdimsave.hxx --> tools/string.hxx dpdimsave.hxx --> scdllapi.h dpdimsave.hxx --> dptypes.hxx dpgroup.hxx --> vector dpgroup.hxx --> boost/unordered_set.hpp dpgroup.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp dpgroup.hxx --> scdllapi.h dpgroup.hxx --> vector dpgroup.hxx --> scdllapi.h dpgroupdlg.hxx --> vcl/field.hxx dpitemdata.hxx --> scdllapi.h dpitemdata.hxx --> tools/solar.h dpobject.hxx --> scdllapi.h dpobject.hxx --> address.hxx dpobject.hxx --> scdllapi.h dpobject.hxx --> scdllapi.h dpobject.hxx --> global.hxx dpobject.hxx --> address.hxx dpobject.hxx --> dptypes.hxx dpobject.hxx --> com/sun/star/sheet/XDimensionsSupplier.hpp dpobject.hxx --> vector dpobject.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp dpobject.hxx --> scdllapi.h dpobject.hxx --> global.hxx dpobject.hxx --> address.hxx dpobject.hxx --> vector dpobject.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp dpoutput.hxx --> address.hxx dpoutput.hxx --> global.hxx dpoutput.hxx --> address.hxx dpoutput.hxx --> vector dpsdbtab.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx dpsdbtab.hxx --> vector dpsdbtab.hxx --> boost/unordered_set.hpp dpshttab.hxx --> global.hxx dpshttab.hxx --> address.hxx dpshttab.hxx --> scdllapi.h dpshttab.hxx --> boost/unordered_set.hpp dpshttab.hxx --> vector dpshttab.hxx --> address.hxx dpshttab.hxx --> scdllapi.h dpshttab.hxx --> scdllapi.h dpshttab.hxx --> global.hxx dpshttab.hxx --> address.hxx dpshttab.hxx --> scdllapi.h dptabdat.hxx --> tools/string.hxx dptabdat.hxx --> address.hxx dptabdat.hxx --> dpcachetable.hxx dptabdat.hxx --> tools/string.hxx dptabdat.hxx --> vector dptabdat.hxx --> boost/unordered_set.hpp dptabdat.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp dptabdat.hxx --> address.hxx dptabdat.hxx --> tools/string.hxx dptabdat.hxx --> vector dptabdat.hxx --> boost/unordered_set.hpp dptabdat.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp dptabdat.hxx --> address.hxx dptabdat.hxx --> tools/string.hxx dptabdat.hxx --> vector dptabdat.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp dptabdat.hxx --> boost/noncopyable.hpp dptabres.hxx --> tools/string.hxx dptabres.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx dptabres.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp dptabres.hxx --> global.hxx dptabres.hxx --> tools/string.hxx dptabres.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx dptabres.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp dptabres.hxx --> boost/unordered_set.hpp dptabres.hxx --> vector dptabsrc.hxx --> tools/string.hxx dptabsrc.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp dptabsrc.hxx --> tools/string.hxx dptabsrc.hxx --> global.hxx dptabsrc.hxx --> com/sun/star/sheet/XDimensionsSupplier.hpp dptabsrc.hxx --> com/sun/star/sheet/MemberResult.hpp dptabsrc.hxx --> com/sun/star/sheet/GeneralFunction.hpp dptabsrc.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp dptabsrc.hxx --> boost/unordered_set.hpp dptabsrc.hxx --> boost/noncopyable.hpp dptabsrc.hxx --> boost/scoped_ptr.hpp dptabsrc.hxx --> vector drawutil.hxx --> tools/solar.h drformsh.hxx --> sfx2/shell.hxx drformsh.hxx --> shellids.hxx drformsh.hxx --> sfx2/module.hxx drformsh.hxx --> svx/svdmark.hxx drwtrans.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx drwtrans.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx drwtrans.hxx --> global.hxx drwtrans.hxx --> rangelst.hxx drwtrans.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx drwtrans.hxx --> global.hxx dwfunctr.hxx --> svl/lstner.hxx dwfunctr.hxx --> vcl/button.hxx dwfunctr.hxx --> global.hxx editable.hxx --> tools/solar.h editutil.hxx --> scdllapi.h eeimport.hxx --> address.hxx eeimport.hxx --> scdllapi.h eeimport.hxx --> scdllapi.h eeparser.hxx --> tools/string.hxx excdoc.hxx --> tools/solar.h excdoc.hxx --> xeroot.hxx excdoc.hxx --> root.hxx excdoc.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp excdoc.hxx --> tools/solar.h excdoc.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp excdoc.hxx --> tools/solar.h excelvbahelper.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx excform.hxx --> vector excform.hxx --> vector excform.hxx --> vector excimp8.hxx --> string.h excimp8.hxx --> boost/ptr_container/ptr_vector.hpp excimp8.hxx --> root.hxx excimp8.hxx --> excdefs.hxx excimp8.hxx --> ftools.hxx excimp8.hxx --> excdefs.hxx excimp8.hxx --> boost/ptr_container/ptr_vector.hpp excimp8.hxx --> boost/ptr_container/ptr_vector.hpp excrecds.hxx --> tools/solar.h excrecds.hxx --> tools/string.hxx excrecds.hxx --> tools/string.hxx excrecds.hxx --> tools/solar.h excrecds.hxx --> tools/string.hxx excrecds.hxx --> vector excrecds.hxx --> tools/solar.h excrecds.hxx --> tools/string.hxx excrecds.hxx --> vector excrecds.hxx --> filter.hxx excrecds.hxx --> xestring.hxx excrecds.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp excrecds.hxx --> tools/solar.h excrecds.hxx --> tools/string.hxx excrecds.hxx --> vector excrecds.hxx --> filter.hxx excrecds.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp excrecds.hxx --> tools/solar.h excrecds.hxx --> tools/string.hxx excrecds.hxx --> vector excrecds.hxx --> filter.hxx excrecds.hxx --> xeroot.hxx excrecds.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp excrecds.hxx --> tools/string.hxx excrecds.hxx --> vector excrecds.hxx --> filter.hxx excrecds.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp excrecds.hxx --> tools/solar.h excrecds.hxx --> tools/string.hxx excrecds.hxx --> filter.hxx excrecds.hxx --> excdefs.hxx excrecds.hxx --> tools/solar.h excrecds.hxx --> tools/string.hxx excrecds.hxx --> vector excrecds.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp exp_op.hxx --> filter.hxx exp_op.hxx --> filter.hxx expbase.hxx --> tools/solar.h expbase.hxx --> address.hxx expbase.hxx --> tools/solar.h externalrefmgr.hxx --> address.hxx externalrefmgr.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp externalrefmgr.hxx --> global.hxx externalrefmgr.hxx --> address.hxx externalrefmgr.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp externalrefmgr.hxx --> global.hxx externalrefmgr.hxx --> address.hxx externalrefmgr.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp externalrefmgr.hxx --> vector fapihelper.hxx --> scdllapi.h fielduno.hxx --> osl/mutex.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> svx/svxids.hrc filt_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h filt_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h filt_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> rtl/textenc.h filt_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h filt_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h filt_pch.hxx --> global.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h filt_pch.hxx --> rtl/ustring.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h filt_pch.hxx --> global.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/rtti.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> vcl/timer.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/gen.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/color.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> rangelst.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> svl/hint.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> vcl/prntypes.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> table.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> column.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> markarr.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> svl/zforlist.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> rangenam.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> svl/smplhint.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h filt_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h filt_pch.hxx --> global.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/gen.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/color.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> column.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> markarr.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> rangenam.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h filt_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h filt_pch.hxx --> global.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> markarr.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> rangenam.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h filt_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h filt_pch.hxx --> rtl/textenc.h filt_pch.hxx --> sal/types.h filt_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h filt_pch.hxx --> global.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> filter.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> flttypes.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h filt_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h filt_pch.hxx --> global.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/mempool.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> svl/poolitem.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> svl/itemset.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> editeng/svxenum.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h filt_pch.hxx --> rtl/textenc.h filt_pch.hxx --> sal/types.h filt_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h filt_pch.hxx --> global.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> filter.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> root.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> flttypes.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/mempool.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> compiler.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> sot/storage.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> rangenam.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h filt_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h filt_pch.hxx --> global.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> svl/poolitem.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> svl/eitem.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> svl/intitem.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> sal/types.h filt_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h filt_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h filt_pch.hxx --> global.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/mempool.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> rangenam.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h filt_pch.hxx --> rtl/textenc.h filt_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h filt_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> filter.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> sot/storage.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h filt_pch.hxx --> rtl/textenc.h filt_pch.hxx --> sal/types.h filt_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h filt_pch.hxx --> global.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/gen.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/color.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> filter.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> rangelst.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Any.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> svl/poolitem.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> root.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> flttypes.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/mempool.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> compiler.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> svl/itemset.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> vcl/vclenum.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> patattr.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> namebuff.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> svl/zforlist.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> colrowst.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> sot/storage.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> otlnbuff.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> editeng/svxenum.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> rangenam.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h filt_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h filt_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h filt_pch.hxx --> global.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/mempool.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> compiler.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h filt_pch.hxx --> rtl/textenc.h filt_pch.hxx --> sal/types.h filt_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h filt_pch.hxx --> global.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> filter.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> root.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> flttypes.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/mempool.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> compiler.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tokstack.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h filt_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h filt_pch.hxx --> global.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h filt_pch.hxx --> rtl/textenc.h filt_pch.hxx --> sal/types.h filt_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h filt_pch.hxx --> global.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> filter.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> rangelst.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> root.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> flttypes.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/mempool.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> vcl/vclenum.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> svl/zforlist.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> cell.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> sot/storage.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> rangenam.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/errcode.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> svl/itempool.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h filt_pch.hxx --> rtl/textenc.h filt_pch.hxx --> sal/types.h filt_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h filt_pch.hxx --> global.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/gen.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/color.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> filter.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> rangelst.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Any.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> svl/poolitem.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> root.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> flttypes.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/mempool.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> compiler.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> svl/itemset.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> vcl/vclenum.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> patattr.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> namebuff.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> svl/zforlist.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> colrowst.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> sot/storage.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> imp_op.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> otlnbuff.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> editeng/svxenum.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> rangenam.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> excscen.hxx filt_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h filtdlg.hxx --> address.hxx filtdlg.hxx --> global.hxx filtdlg.hxx --> address.hxx filtdlg.hxx --> vector filtdlg.hxx --> map filtdlg.hxx --> boost/ptr_container/ptr_map.hpp filtdlg.hxx --> global.hxx filtdlg.hxx --> address.hxx fmtuno.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx fmtuno.hxx --> vector fmtuno.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx fmtuno.hxx --> address.hxx formel.hxx --> tools/solar.h formel.hxx --> global.hxx formel.hxx --> vector formel.hxx --> tools/solar.h formel.hxx --> tools/solar.h formel.hxx --> global.hxx formel.hxx --> tools/solar.h formel.hxx --> compiler.hxx formel.hxx --> global.hxx formel.hxx --> vector formula.hxx --> global.hxx formula.hxx --> compiler.hxx formula.hxx --> cell.hxx formula.hxx --> IAnyRefDialog.hxx formula.hxx --> formula/IFunctionDescription.hxx formula.hxx --> global.hxx formula.hxx --> global.hxx formula.hxx --> formula/IFunctionDescription.hxx fprogressbar.hxx --> boost/noncopyable.hpp fprogressbar.hxx --> scdllapi.h ftools.hxx --> tools/string.hxx funcpage.hxx --> global.hxx funcpage.hxx --> svtools/svmedit.hxx funcpage.hxx --> compiler.hxx funcpage.hxx --> cell.hxx funcpage.hxx --> funcutl.hxx funcpage.hxx --> global.hxx funcpage.hxx --> svtools/stdctrl.hxx funcpage.hxx --> vcl/lstbox.hxx funcpage.hxx --> vcl/group.hxx funcpage.hxx --> svtools/svmedit.hxx funcpage.hxx --> vcl/tabpage.hxx funcpage.hxx --> vcl/tabctrl.hxx funcpage.hxx --> compiler.hxx funcpage.hxx --> cell.hxx funcpage.hxx --> global.hxx funcpage.hxx --> global.hxx global.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx global.hxx --> osl/endian.h global.hxx --> scdllapi.h graphsh.hxx --> sfx2/shell.hxx graphsh.hxx --> shellids.hxx graphsh.hxx --> sfx2/module.hxx graphsh.hxx --> svx/svdmark.hxx gridwin.hxx --> tools/string.hxx gridwin.hxx --> tools/string.hxx gridwin.hxx --> boost/scoped_ptr.hpp highred.hxx --> rangenam.hxx highred.hxx --> rangenam.hxx hints.hxx --> address.hxx hiranges.hxx --> address.hxx htmlexp.hxx --> global.hxx htmlpars.hxx --> vector htmlpars.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp htmlpars.hxx --> vector imoptdlg.hxx --> scdllapi.h imp_op.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp imp_op.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp imp_op.hxx --> xiroot.hxx imp_op.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp imp_op.hxx --> boost/ptr_container/ptr_vector.hpp imp_op.hxx --> xiroot.hxx imp_op.hxx --> flttypes.hxx imp_op.hxx --> root.hxx imp_op.hxx --> excdefs.hxx imp_op.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp imp_op.hxx --> flttypes.hxx imp_op.hxx --> excdefs.hxx imp_op.hxx --> xiroot.hxx imp_op.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp impex.hxx --> osl/endian.h impex.hxx --> address.hxx impex.hxx --> osl/endian.h inputhdl.hxx --> address.hxx inputhdl.hxx --> set instbdlg.hxx --> vcl/fixed.hxx interpre.hxx --> formula/errorcodes.hxx interpre.hxx --> scmatrix.hxx interpre.hxx --> map interpre.hxx --> map interpre.hxx --> formula/errorcodes.hxx interpre.hxx --> formula/errorcodes.hxx interpre.hxx --> scmatrix.hxx jumpmatrix.hxx --> formula/errorcodes.hxx jumpmatrix.hxx --> tools/solar.h linkuno.hxx --> svl/lstner.hxx linkuno.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp linkuno.hxx --> vector lookupcache.hxx --> tools/string.hxx lookupcache.hxx --> address.hxx lookupcache.hxx --> tools/string.hxx lookupcache.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp lotattr.hxx --> tools/solar.h lotform.hxx --> tools/string.hxx lotimpop.hxx --> tools/string.hxx lotimpop.hxx --> flttypes.hxx lotimpop.hxx --> ftools.hxx lotimpop.hxx --> tools/string.hxx lotimpop.hxx --> tools/string.hxx lotimpop.hxx --> flttypes.hxx lotimpop.hxx --> tools/string.hxx lotrange.hxx --> tools/solar.h markarr.hxx --> tools/solar.h markdata.hxx --> tools/solar.h markdata.hxx --> scdllapi.h mediash.hxx --> sfx2/shell.hxx mediash.hxx --> shellids.hxx mediash.hxx --> sfx2/module.hxx mediash.hxx --> svx/svdmark.hxx namebuff.hxx --> tools/string.hxx namebuff.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp namebuff.hxx --> tools/string.hxx namebuff.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp namebuff.hxx --> tools/string.hxx namebuff.hxx --> tools/string.hxx namebuff.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp namedefdlg.hxx --> vcl/button.hxx namedefdlg.hxx --> vcl/edit.hxx namedefdlg.hxx --> map namedlg.hxx --> boost/ptr_container/ptr_map.hpp namedlg.hxx --> boost/ptr_container/ptr_set.hpp namedlg.hxx --> map namedlg.hxx --> rangenam.hxx namedlg.hxx --> boost/ptr_container/ptr_map.hpp namedlg.hxx --> boost/ptr_container/ptr_set.hpp namedlg.hxx --> map namedlg.hxx --> boost/ptr_container/ptr_map.hpp namepast.hxx --> vector nameuno.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx notemark.hxx --> address.hxx oleobjsh.hxx --> sfx2/shell.hxx oleobjsh.hxx --> shellids.hxx oleobjsh.hxx --> sfx2/module.hxx oleobjsh.hxx --> svx/svdmark.hxx olinetab.hxx --> scdllapi.h optsolver.hxx --> address.hxx optsolver.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx optsolver.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx optsolver.hxx --> global.hxx optsolver.hxx --> address.hxx optsolver.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx optsolver.hxx --> vector pagedata.hxx --> address.hxx pagepar.hxx --> address.hxx paramisc.hxx --> tools/solar.h parawin.hxx --> global.hxx parawin.hxx --> svtools/svmedit.hxx parawin.hxx --> vector pfiltdlg.hxx --> address.hxx pfuncache.hxx --> vector pivot.hxx --> address.hxx pivot.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx pivot.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx postit.hxx --> scdllapi.h prnsave.hxx --> tools/solar.h pvfundlg.hxx --> com/sun/star/sheet/DataPilotFieldReference.hpp pvfundlg.hxx --> com/sun/star/sheet/DataPilotFieldSortInfo.hpp pvfundlg.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp pvlaydlg.hxx --> vector pvlaydlg.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp pvlaydlg.hxx --> vector pvlaydlg.hxx --> memory pvlaydlg.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp pvlaydlg.hxx --> formula/funcutl.hxx pvlaydlg.hxx --> vector pvlaydlg.hxx --> vcl/scrbar.hxx qpro.hxx --> tools/string.hxx qpro.hxx --> tools/string.hxx qpro.hxx --> tools/string.hxx qpro.hxx --> filter.hxx qpro.hxx --> tools/string.hxx qpro.hxx --> sal/config.h qpro.hxx --> filter.hxx qpro.hxx --> document.hxx qpro.hxx --> cell.hxx qpro.hxx --> tools/string.hxx qpro.hxx --> flttypes.hxx qpro.hxx --> ftools.hxx qpro.hxx --> sal/config.h qpro.hxx --> filter.hxx qpro.hxx --> document.hxx qpro.hxx --> cell.hxx qpro.hxx --> tools/string.hxx qpro.hxx --> flttypes.hxx qpro.hxx --> ftools.hxx qproform.hxx --> compiler.hxx qproform.hxx --> sal/config.h qprostyle.hxx --> tools/string.hxx qprostyle.hxx --> tools/string.hxx qprostyle.hxx --> tools/string.hxx qprostyle.hxx --> filter.hxx qprostyle.hxx --> tools/string.hxx queryentry.hxx --> address.hxx queryparam.hxx --> global.hxx rangelst.hxx --> address.hxx rangelst.hxx --> tools/solar.h rangelst.hxx --> tools/solar.h rangenam.hxx --> address.hxx rangenam.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx rangenam.hxx --> scdllapi.h rangenam.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx rangenam.hxx --> scdllapi.h rangeseq.hxx --> tools/solar.h rangeutl.hxx --> tools/string.hxx rangeutl.hxx --> scdllapi.h rangeutl.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx rangeutl.hxx --> tools/string.hxx rangeutl.hxx --> address.hxx rangeutl.hxx --> scdllapi.h rangeutl.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx rangeutl.hxx --> tools/string.hxx rangeutl.hxx --> address.hxx rangeutl.hxx --> scdllapi.h rangeutl.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx recursionhelper.hxx --> tools/solar.h refdata.hxx --> address.hxx refdata.hxx --> scdllapi.h refdata.hxx --> scdllapi.h reffind.hxx --> tools/string.hxx reftokenhelper.hxx --> vector retypepassdlg.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp rfindlst.hxx --> address.hxx root.hxx --> tools/solar.h root.hxx --> address.hxx root.hxx --> tools/solar.h scabstdlg.hxx --> tools/solar.h scabstdlg.hxx --> tools/string.hxx scabstdlg.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx scabstdlg.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h scabstdlg.hxx --> tools/solar.h scabstdlg.hxx --> tools/string.hxx scabstdlg.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx scabstdlg.hxx --> global.hxx scabstdlg.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h scabstdlg.hxx --> tools/solar.h scabstdlg.hxx --> tools/string.hxx scabstdlg.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx scabstdlg.hxx --> global.hxx scabstdlg.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h scextopt.hxx --> global.hxx scflt.hxx --> tools/solar.h scmatrix.hxx --> tools/string.hxx scmatrix.hxx --> scdllapi.h scmatrix.hxx --> boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp scmod.hxx --> scdllapi.h servobj.hxx --> address.hxx simpref.hxx --> vcl/fixed.hxx solvrdlg.hxx --> address.hxx solvrdlg.hxx --> global.hxx solvrdlg.hxx --> address.hxx sortparam.hxx --> tools/solar.h sortparam.hxx --> scdllapi.h subtotalparam.hxx --> address.hxx table.hxx --> vector table.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx table.hxx --> set table.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx tablink.hxx --> scdllapi.h tabopdlg.hxx --> address.hxx tabopdlg.hxx --> global.hxx tabopdlg.hxx --> address.hxx tabopparams.hxx --> address.hxx tabprotection.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx tabview.hxx --> boost/scoped_ptr.hpp tabvwsh.hxx --> scdllapi.h tabvwsh.hxx --> scdllapi.h tabvwsh.hxx --> scdllapi.h textuno.hxx --> address.hxx textuno.hxx --> scdllapi.h textuno.hxx --> scdllapi.h token.hxx --> scdllapi.h token.hxx --> boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp token.hxx --> scdllapi.h tokenarray.hxx --> tools/solar.h tokenarray.hxx --> scdllapi.h tokenuno.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx tokenuno.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx tokenuno.hxx --> address.hxx tokstack.hxx --> string.h tokstack.hxx --> vector tpcalc.hxx --> vcl/field.hxx tphfedit.hxx --> scdllapi.h tpsort.hxx --> address.hxx transobj.hxx --> address.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svx/svxids.hrc ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/link.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> svx/svxids.hrc ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svx/optgrid.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/link.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> svx/svxids.hrc ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svx/optgrid.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> viewopti.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svx/zoomitem.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/rtti.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/gen.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/color.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svl/hint.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/timer.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> rangelst.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/prntypes.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> table.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> column.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> markarr.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svl/smplhint.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> rangenam.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/gen.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/color.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> column.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> markarr.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> rangenam.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> markarr.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> rangenam.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/link.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/color.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svx/svxids.hrc ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svx/optgrid.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> viewopti.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> viewdata.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/seleng.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svx/zoomitem.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/scrbar.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> viewutil.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> select.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/link.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> svx/svxids.hrc ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svx/optgrid.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> viewopti.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> viewdata.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/seleng.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svx/zoomitem.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/link.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/color.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svx/svxids.hrc ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svx/optgrid.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> viewopti.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> viewdata.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/seleng.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svx/zoomitem.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/scrbar.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> viewutil.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tabview.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> select.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/link.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/color.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svx/svxids.hrc ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svx/optgrid.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> viewopti.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> viewdata.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/seleng.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svx/zoomitem.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/scrbar.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> viewutil.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tabview.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> select.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> viewfunc.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svl/undo.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/link.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/color.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svx/svxids.hrc ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> rangelst.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> shellids.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svx/optgrid.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> viewopti.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> viewdata.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> sfx2/viewsh.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svl/undo.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/seleng.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svx/zoomitem.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/scrbar.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> viewutil.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tabview.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> select.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> viewfunc.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> dbfunc.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> sfx2/viewfac.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> target.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> editeng/svxenum.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> sfx2/module.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> sfx2/sfxdefs.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> sfx2/docfac.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/resid.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/rtti.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/link.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/gen.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/color.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svl/hint.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/timer.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svl/lstner.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> rangelst.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/shl.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/field.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> shellids.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> sfx2/viewsh.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> document.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/prntypes.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> table.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> column.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> markarr.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svx/zoomitem.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> sfx2/module.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svl/smplhint.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> sfx2/objsh.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> sfx2/sfxdefs.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> scdll.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> sfx2/docfac.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> scmod.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> rangenam.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/timer.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svl/lstner.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/shl.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> shellids.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> sfx2/module.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> sfx2/sfxdefs.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> scdll.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> sfx2/docfac.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svl/svarray.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> rangelst.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svl/svarray.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svl/poolitem.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> rangelst.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> conditio.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> string.h ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/resid.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/accel.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/timer.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svl/lstner.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/button.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/edit.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/shl.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> sfx2/tabdlg.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> shellids.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> sfx2/module.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> sfx2/sfxdefs.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> scdll.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> scresid.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> sfx2/docfac.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> scmod.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> sfx2/basedlgs.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> cell.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> stddef.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/mempool.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> rangenam.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/timer.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/graph.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/gen.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/fract.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/time.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> editeng/editeng.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svx/pageitem.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svl/poolitem.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svl/eitem.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svl/intitem.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svl/poolitem.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svl/itemset.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> editeng/svxenum.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> stddef.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/mempool.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> rangenam.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/link.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/color.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svx/svxids.hrc ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svx/optgrid.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> viewopti.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> viewdata.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/seleng.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svx/zoomitem.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/scrbar.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> viewutil.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tabview.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> select.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> viewfunc.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> dbfunc.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> sfx2/childwin.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/rtti.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/link.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/gen.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/color.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svl/hint.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/timer.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svl/lstner.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> rangelst.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/shl.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/field.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> shellids.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> sfx2/viewsh.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> document.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/prntypes.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> table.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> column.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> markarr.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svl/undo.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svx/zoomitem.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> sfx2/module.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svl/smplhint.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> sfx2/objsh.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> sfx2/sfxdefs.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> scdll.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> docsh.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> sfx2/docfac.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> scmod.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> rangenam.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/timer.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> dbdata.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> rangenam.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/event.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> vcl/timer.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> sfx2/request.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svl/itempool.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> svl/style.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/solar.h ui_pch.hxx --> i18npool/lang.h ui_pch.hxx --> tools/gen.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/fract.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> tools/stream.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx ui_pch.hxx --> editeng/svxenum.hxx uiitems.hxx --> scdllapi.h uiitems.hxx --> scdllapi.h uiitems.hxx --> scdllapi.h uiitems.hxx --> scdllapi.h undobase.hxx --> address.hxx undobase.hxx --> global.hxx undobase.hxx --> address.hxx undoblk.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp undocell.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp undodat.hxx --> rangelst.hxx undodat.hxx --> sortparam.hxx undodat.hxx --> boost/scoped_ptr.hpp undodat.hxx --> boost/scoped_ptr.hpp undorangename.hxx --> rangenam.hxx undorangename.hxx --> boost/ptr_container/ptr_map.hpp undorangename.hxx --> boost/ptr_container/ptr_map.hpp undotab.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx undotab.hxx --> tools/color.hxx undotab.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx undotab.hxx --> boost/scoped_ptr.hpp undotab.hxx --> memory undotab.hxx --> vector undotab.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx undotab.hxx --> tools/color.hxx undotab.hxx --> com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx undotab.hxx --> vector undoutil.hxx --> tools/solar.h userdat.hxx --> address.hxx validat.hxx --> scdllapi.h validate.hxx --> sfx2/tabdlg.hxx validate.hxx --> vcl/edit.hxx vbaassistant.hxx --> cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx vbaaxistitle.hxx --> cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx vbachartobjects.hxx --> cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx vbachartobjects.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp vbacharttitle.hxx --> cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx vbacomments.hxx --> cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx vbacomments.hxx --> cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx vbaeventshelper.hxx --> rtl/ref.hxx vbaeventshelper.hxx --> rangelst.hxx vbafiledialog.hxx --> cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx vbaformatcondition.hxx --> com/sun/star/sheet/XSheetCondition.hpp vbaglobals.hxx --> cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx vbaoleobjects.hxx --> cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx vbapivottable.hxx --> cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx vbapivottables.hxx --> cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx vbapropvalue.hxx --> cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx vbarange.hxx --> com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp vbastyle.hxx --> com/sun/star/frame/XModel.hpp vbatextboxshape.hxx --> cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx vbatextboxshape.hxx --> cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx vbatitle.hxx --> memory vbatitle.hxx --> vbahelper/vbahelperinterface.hxx vbatitle.hxx --> com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp vbatitle.hxx --> vbahelper/vbahelperinterface.hxx vbatitle.hxx --> vbapalette.hxx vbatitle.hxx --> com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp vbawindow.hxx --> com/sun/star/frame/XModel.hpp vbawindow.hxx --> vbahelper/vbahelperinterface.hxx vbawindows.hxx --> cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx viewdata.hxx --> scdllapi.h viewfunc.hxx --> vector viewopti.hxx --> scdllapi.h viewopti.hxx --> scdllapi.h viewutil.hxx --> tools/solar.h xcl97esc.hxx --> memory xcl97esc.hxx --> vector xcl97esc.hxx --> memory xcl97esc.hxx --> vector xcl97rec.hxx --> xlstyle.hxx XclExpChangeTrack.hxx --> stack XclExpChangeTrack.hxx --> tools/datetime.hxx XclExpChangeTrack.hxx --> bigrange.hxx XclExpChangeTrack.hxx --> stack XclExpChangeTrack.hxx --> ftools.hxx XclExpChangeTrack.hxx --> stack XclExpChangeTrack.hxx --> ftools.hxx XclImpChangeTrack.hxx --> xiroot.hxx XclImpChangeTrack.hxx --> xiroot.hxx XclImpChangeTrack.hxx --> xistream.hxx xechart.hxx --> xestring.hxx xechart.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xechart.hxx --> tools/gen.hxx xechart.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xechart.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xechart.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xechart.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xechart.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xecontent.hxx --> xestring.hxx xecontent.hxx --> xeroot.hxx xeescher.hxx --> filter/msfilter/escherex.hxx xeescher.hxx --> xlescher.hxx xeescher.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xeescher.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xeformula.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xeformula.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xehelper.hxx --> boost/noncopyable.hpp xehelper.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xehelper.hxx --> boost/noncopyable.hpp xehelper.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xelink.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xelink.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xelink.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xelink.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xename.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xename.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xename.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xepivot.hxx --> map xepivot.hxx --> map xepivot.hxx --> map xerecord.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xeroot.hxx --> com/sun/star/beans/NamedValue.hpp xeroot.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xestream.hxx --> map xestream.hxx --> vector xestream.hxx --> map xestream.hxx --> vector xestyle.hxx --> map xestyle.hxx --> tools/string.hxx xestyle.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xestyle.hxx --> map xestyle.hxx --> tools/string.hxx xestyle.hxx --> svl/zforlist.hxx xestyle.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xestyle.hxx --> map xestyle.hxx --> tools/string.hxx xestyle.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xetable.hxx --> xestring.hxx xetable.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xetable.hxx --> map xetable.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xetable.hxx --> map xetable.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xetable.hxx --> map xetable.hxx --> tools/mempool.hxx xetable.hxx --> xerecord.hxx xetable.hxx --> xestring.hxx xetable.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xetable.hxx --> map xichart.hxx --> vector xichart.hxx --> vector xichart.hxx --> vector xichart.hxx --> map xichart.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xichart.hxx --> vector xichart.hxx --> map xichart.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xichart.hxx --> vector xichart.hxx --> map xichart.hxx --> xlstyle.hxx xichart.hxx --> xistring.hxx xichart.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xichart.hxx --> vector xichart.hxx --> map xichart.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xicontent.hxx --> global.hxx xicontent.hxx --> map xicontent.hxx --> boost/noncopyable.hpp xicontent.hxx --> map xicontent.hxx --> boost/noncopyable.hpp xicontent.hxx --> global.hxx xicontent.hxx --> rangelst.hxx xiescher.hxx --> vector xiescher.hxx --> map xiescher.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xiescher.hxx --> vector xiescher.hxx --> map xiescher.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xiescher.hxx --> vector xiescher.hxx --> map xiescher.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xiformula.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xiformula.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xihelper.hxx --> boost/noncopyable.hpp xihelper.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xihelper.hxx --> boost/noncopyable.hpp xihelper.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xilink.hxx --> map xiname.hxx --> boost/noncopyable.hpp xiname.hxx --> boost/noncopyable.hpp xipivot.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xipivot.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xiroot.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xistream.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xistyle.hxx --> boost/noncopyable.hpp xistyle.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xistyle.hxx --> boost/noncopyable.hpp xistyle.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xlchart.hxx --> map xlchart.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xlescher.hxx --> fapihelper.hxx xlformula.hxx --> map xlformula.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xlpage.hxx --> boost/noncopyable.hpp xlpivot.hxx --> com/sun/star/sheet/GeneralFunction.hpp xlroot.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xlstyle.hxx --> map xlstyle.hxx --> tools/color.hxx xltools.hxx --> boost/noncopyable.hpp xlview.hxx --> map xlview.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xmlcelli.hxx --> memory xmlcelli.hxx --> xmloff/xmlimp.hxx xmlcelli.hxx --> com/sun/star/table/CellRangeAddress.hpp xmlcelli.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx xmlcelli.hxx --> xmloff/xmlimp.hxx XMLChangeTrackingImportHelper.hxx --> list XMLConsolidationContext.hxx --> address.hxx XMLConverter.hxx --> rtl/ustrbuf.hxx XMLConverter.hxx --> global.hxx XMLConverter.hxx --> rtl/ustrbuf.hxx XMLConverter.hxx --> global.hxx XMLConverter.hxx --> rtl/ustrbuf.hxx xmldpimp.hxx --> com/sun/star/sheet/DataPilotFieldReference.hpp xmldpimp.hxx --> com/sun/star/sheet/DataPilotFieldSortInfo.hpp xmldpimp.hxx --> com/sun/star/sheet/DataPilotFieldAutoShowInfo.hpp xmldpimp.hxx --> com/sun/star/sheet/DataPilotFieldLayoutInfo.hpp xmldpimp.hxx --> global.hxx xmldpimp.hxx --> boost/unordered_set.hpp xmldpimp.hxx --> global.hxx xmldrani.hxx --> boost/scoped_ptr.hpp XMLExportIterator.hxx --> vector XMLExportIterator.hxx --> global.hxx XMLExportIterator.hxx --> global.hxx xmlfilti.hxx --> xmloff/xmlictxt.hxx xmlfilti.hxx --> xmloff/xmlimp.hxx xmlfilti.hxx --> com/sun/star/table/CellAddress.hpp xmlfilti.hxx --> com/sun/star/table/CellRangeAddress.hpp xmlfilti.hxx --> com/sun/star/sheet/TableFilterField2.hpp xmlfilti.hxx --> xmloff/xmlictxt.hxx xmlfilti.hxx --> xmloff/xmlimp.hxx xmlfilti.hxx --> vector xmlfilti.hxx --> vector xmlimprt.hxx --> xmloff/xmlictxt.hxx xmlimprt.hxx --> xmloff/xmlimp.hxx xmlimprt.hxx --> com/sun/star/frame/XModel.hpp xmlimprt.hxx --> global.hxx xmlimprt.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx xmlimprt.hxx --> com/sun/star/table/CellAddress.hpp xmlimprt.hxx --> vector xmlimprt.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp xmlimprt.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx xmlimprt.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp xmlimprt.hxx --> xmloff/xmlaustp.hxx xmlimprt.hxx --> xmloff/xmlimp.hxx xmlimprt.hxx --> global.hxx xmlimprt.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx xmlimprt.hxx --> vector xmlimprt.hxx --> boost/unordered_map.hpp xmlsorti.hxx --> xmloff/xmlictxt.hxx xmlsorti.hxx --> xmloff/xmlimp.hxx xmlsorti.hxx --> com/sun/star/table/CellAddress.hpp XMLStylesImportHelper.hxx --> vector XMLStylesImportHelper.hxx --> list XMLStylesImportHelper.hxx --> boost/shared_ptr.hpp xmlstyli.hxx --> vector xmlstyli.hxx --> xmloff/xmlimp.hxx xmlstyli.hxx --> xmloff/xmlictxt.hxx xmlstyli.hxx --> xmloff/maptype.hxx xmlstyli.hxx --> com/sun/star/sheet/ConditionOperator.hpp xmlsubti.hxx --> com/sun/star/sheet/XSpreadsheet.hpp xmlsubti.hxx --> com/sun/star/table/CellAddress.hpp xmlsubti.hxx --> list xmlsubti.hxx --> formula/grammar.hxx XMLTrackedChangesContext.hxx --> chgtrack.hxx XMLTrackedChangesContext.hxx --> rtl/ustrbuf.hxx XMLTrackedChangesContext.hxx --> rtl/ustrbuf.hxx Looking for useless includes in header files... AccessibleCell.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) AccessibleCellBase.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) AccessiblePreviewHeaderCell.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) AccessibleTableBase.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) AccessibleText.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) acredlin.hxx --> anyrefdg.hxx (useless) acredlin.hxx --> chgtrack.hxx (replace with forward decl) addincol.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) addincol.hxx --> scmatrix.hxx (useless) addinlis.hxx --> adiasync.hxx (useless) addruno.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) anyrefdg.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) anyrefdg.hxx --> cell.hxx (useless) anyrefdg.hxx --> compiler.hxx (useless) anyrefdg.hxx --> scresid.hxx (useless) anyrefdg.hxx --> scmod.hxx (useless) appoptio.hxx --> scmod.hxx (useless) arealink.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) areasdlg.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) asciiopt.hxx --> csvtablebox.hxx (useless) attarray.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) attarray.hxx --> attrib.hxx (useless) auditsh.hxx --> shellids.hxx (useless) autoform.hxx --> scitems.hxx (useless) autoform.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) autonamecache.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) autonamecache.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) bcaslot.hxx --> brdcst.hxx (useless) biff.hxx --> filter.hxx (useless) biff.hxx --> document.hxx (useless) biff.hxx --> cell.hxx (useless) biff.hxx --> flttypes.hxx (useless) biff.hxx --> ftools.hxx (useless) bigrange.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) bigrange.hxx --> document.hxx (useless) brdcst.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) cell.hxx --> rangenam.hxx (useless) cell.hxx --> tokenarray.hxx (replace with forward decl) cellkeytranslator.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) cellmergeoption.hxx --> address.hxx (replace with forward decl) cellsh.hxx --> shellids.hxx (useless) cellsh.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) cellsuno.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) chart2uno.hxx --> cellsuno.hxx (replace with forward decl) chart2uno.hxx --> rangelst.hxx (useless) chart2uno.hxx --> externalrefmgr.hxx (useless) chart2uno.hxx --> token.hxx (useless) chart2uno.hxx --> chartlis.hxx (useless) chartarr.hxx --> rangelst.hxx (useless) charthelper.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) charthelper.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) charthelper.hxx --> rangelst.hxx (useless) chartlis.hxx --> rangelst.hxx (useless) chartlis.hxx --> token.hxx (useless) chartpos.hxx --> rangelst.hxx (useless) chartsh.hxx --> shellids.hxx (useless) chartuno.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) clipparam.hxx --> rangenam.hxx (useless) clipparam.hxx --> charthelper.hxx (useless) cliputil.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) column.hxx --> markarr.hxx (replace with forward decl) column.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) column.hxx --> rangenam.hxx (useless) conditio.hxx --> rangelst.hxx (replace with forward decl) conflictsdlg.hxx --> chgtrack.hxx (replace with forward decl) conflictsdlg.hxx --> docsh.hxx (useless) consoli.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) content.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) content.hxx --> address.hxx (replace with forward decl) convuno.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) convuno.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> scitems.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> markarr.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> rangelst.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> document.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> table.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> column.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> collect.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> cell.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> rechead.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> compiler.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> patattr.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> attrib.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> docpool.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> docoptio.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> markdata.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> stlpool.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> refupdat.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> conditio.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> brdcst.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> dociter.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> scdll.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> stlsheet.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> progress.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> drwlayer.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> scresid.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> attarray.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> interpre.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> subtotal.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> rangenam.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> scmatrix.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> dbdata.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> userlist.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> callform.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> validat.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> pivot.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> adiasync.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> ddelink.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> chartlis.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> olinetab.hxx (useless) core_pch.hxx --> cfgids.hxx (useless) corodlg.hxx --> scresid.hxx (useless) crdlg.hxx --> scui_def.hxx (useless) crnrdlg.hxx --> rangelst.hxx (useless) csv_handler.hxx --> docsh.hxx (useless) csv_handler.hxx --> postit.hxx (useless) csv_handler.hxx --> patattr.hxx (useless) csv_handler.hxx --> scitems.hxx (useless) csv_handler.hxx --> document.hxx (replace with forward decl) csv_handler.hxx --> cellform.hxx (useless) csvcontrol.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) csvcontrol.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) csvcontrol.hxx --> csvsplits.hxx (useless) dapiuno.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) dapiuno.hxx --> dpobject.hxx (replace with forward decl) dapiuno.hxx --> rangeutl.hxx (useless) dapiuno.hxx --> cellsuno.hxx (useless) datafdlg.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) datafdlg.hxx --> tabvwsh.hxx (replace with forward decl) dbdocfun.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) dbdocutl.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) dbfunc.hxx --> dptypes.hxx (useless) ddelink.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) ddelink.hxx --> scmatrix.hxx (useless) debughelper.hxx --> document.hxx (useless) delcodlg.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) detfunc.hxx --> address.hxx (replace with forward decl) detfunc.hxx --> token.hxx (useless) dif.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) dif.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) docfunc.hxx --> tabbgcolor.hxx (useless) docfunc.hxx --> token.hxx (useless) docfunc.hxx --> rangenam.hxx (replace with forward decl) dociter.hxx --> address.hxx (replace with forward decl) dociter.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) docoptio.hxx --> scmod.hxx (useless) docparam.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) docsh.hxx --> scdll.hxx (useless) docsh.hxx --> appoptio.hxx (useless) docsh.hxx --> shellids.hxx (useless) docsh.hxx --> optutil.hxx (useless) document.hxx --> rangelst.hxx (replace with forward decl) document.hxx --> rangenam.hxx (replace with forward decl) document.hxx --> table.hxx (useless) document.hxx --> brdcst.hxx (useless) document.hxx --> types.hxx (useless) document.hxx --> typedstrdata.hxx (useless) docuno.hxx --> address.hxx (replace with forward decl) docuno.hxx --> drwlayer.hxx (useless) doubleref.hxx --> scmatrix.hxx (useless) dpcachetable.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) dpdimsave.hxx --> dptypes.hxx (useless) dpgroupdlg.hxx --> dpgroup.hxx (replace with forward decl) dpitemdata.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) dpobject.hxx --> dpoutput.hxx (replace with forward decl) dpobject.hxx --> dptypes.hxx (useless) dpobject.hxx --> pivot.hxx (replace with forward decl) dpoutput.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) dpoutput.hxx --> dpcachetable.hxx (useless) dpoutput.hxx --> dptypes.hxx (useless) dpshttab.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) dptabdat.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) dptabdat.hxx --> dpoutput.hxx (useless) dptabdat.hxx --> dpcachetable.hxx (useless) dptabdat.hxx --> dptablecache.hxx (useless) dptablecache.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) dptabres.hxx --> dpcachetable.hxx (useless) dptabsrc.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) dptabsrc.hxx --> dptabdat.hxx (replace with forward decl) dptabsrc.hxx --> dpglobal.hxx (useless) drawsh.hxx --> shellids.hxx (useless) drawutil.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) drformsh.hxx --> shellids.hxx (useless) drtxtob.hxx --> shellids.hxx (useless) drwlayer.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) drwtrans.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) drwtrans.hxx --> charthelper.hxx (useless) drwtrans.hxx --> rangelst.hxx (useless) dwfunctr.hxx --> anyrefdg.hxx (useless) dwfunctr.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) dwfunctr.hxx --> funcdesc.hxx (useless) editable.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) editsh.hxx --> shellids.hxx (useless) editutil.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) eeimport.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) eeparser.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) eventuno.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) excdoc.hxx --> excrecds.hxx (useless) excdoc.hxx --> root.hxx (useless) excelvbahelper.hxx --> docsh.hxx (useless) excimp8.hxx --> excdefs.hxx (useless) excimp8.hxx --> ftools.hxx (useless) excrecds.hxx --> olinetab.hxx (useless) excrecds.hxx --> filter.hxx (useless) excrecds.hxx --> rangelst.hxx (useless) excrecds.hxx --> xeformula.hxx (useless) excrecds.hxx --> xestring.hxx (replace with forward decl) excrecds.hxx --> root.hxx (replace with forward decl) excrecds.hxx --> excdefs.hxx (useless) excrecds.hxx --> cell.hxx (useless) exp_op.hxx --> filter.hxx (useless) exp_op.hxx --> root.hxx (replace with forward decl) expbase.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) externalrefmgr.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) externalrefmgr.hxx --> address.hxx (replace with forward decl) externalrefmgr.hxx --> scmatrix.hxx (useless) fapihelper.hxx --> ftools.hxx (useless) fieldwnd.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) filldlg.hxx --> scui_def.hxx (useless) fillinfo.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> scitems.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> filter.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> rangelst.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> document.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> table.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> column.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> markarr.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> root.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> flttypes.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> compiler.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> patattr.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> namebuff.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> attrib.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> collect.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> cell.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> colrowst.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> imp_op.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> otlnbuff.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> tokstack.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> formel.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> rangenam.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> excrecds.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> scerrors.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> docpool.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> excimp8.hxx (useless) filt_pch.hxx --> excscen.hxx (useless) filtdlg.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) filtdlg.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) filtdlg.hxx --> typedstrdata.hxx (useless) formatsh.hxx --> shellids.hxx (useless) formel.hxx --> compiler.hxx (useless) formel.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) formel.hxx --> root.hxx (useless) formula.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) formula.hxx --> compiler.hxx (useless) formula.hxx --> cell.hxx (replace with forward decl) formularesult.hxx --> token.hxx (replace with forward decl) fprogressbar.hxx --> ftools.hxx (useless) fumark.hxx --> rangelst.hxx (useless) funcpage.hxx --> funcutl.hxx (useless) funcpage.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) funcpage.hxx --> parawin.hxx (useless) funcpage.hxx --> compiler.hxx (useless) funcpage.hxx --> cell.hxx (useless) funcutl.hxx --> anyrefdg.hxx (useless) global.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) graphsh.hxx --> shellids.hxx (useless) hdrcont.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) highred.hxx --> chgtrack.hxx (useless) hiranges.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) htmlexp.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) imoptdlg.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) imp_op.hxx --> xistyle.hxx (useless) imp_op.hxx --> flttypes.hxx (useless) imp_op.hxx --> namebuff.hxx (replace with forward decl) imp_op.hxx --> root.hxx (replace with forward decl) imp_op.hxx --> otlnbuff.hxx (replace with forward decl) imp_op.hxx --> colrowst.hxx (replace with forward decl) imp_op.hxx --> excdefs.hxx (useless) impex.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) inputhdl.hxx --> typedstrdata.hxx (useless) inscodlg.hxx --> scui_def.hxx (useless) instbdlg.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) interpre.hxx --> cell.hxx (replace with forward decl) interpre.hxx --> scdll.hxx (useless) interpre.hxx --> document.hxx (replace with forward decl) interpre.hxx --> scmatrix.hxx (useless) interpre.hxx --> externalrefmgr.hxx (replace with forward decl) jumpmatrix.hxx --> scmatrix.hxx (replace with forward decl) linkuno.hxx --> externalrefmgr.hxx (replace with forward decl) lookupcache.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) lotattr.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) lotattr.hxx --> scitems.hxx (useless) lotfntbf.hxx --> scitems.hxx (useless) lotimpop.hxx --> flttypes.hxx (useless) lotimpop.hxx --> ftools.hxx (useless) lotimpop.hxx --> lotattr.hxx (replace with forward decl) lotrange.hxx --> compiler.hxx (useless) markarr.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) mediash.hxx --> shellids.hxx (useless) msgpool.hxx --> scitems.hxx (useless) mvtabdlg.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) namebuff.hxx --> compiler.hxx (useless) namebuff.hxx --> rangenam.hxx (useless) namecrea.hxx --> scui_def.hxx (useless) namedlg.hxx --> rangenam.hxx (replace with forward decl) namemgrtable.hxx --> scresid.hxx (useless) namemgrtable.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) namepast.hxx --> scui_def.hxx (useless) notemark.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) oleobjsh.hxx --> shellids.hxx (useless) olinefun.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) olinetab.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) optsolver.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) optsolver.hxx --> address.hxx (replace with forward decl) output.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) pagedata.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) pagepar.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) parawin.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) pfiltdlg.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) pfiltdlg.hxx --> queryparam.hxx (useless) pgbrksh.hxx --> shellids.hxx (useless) pivot.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) pivot.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) pivot.hxx --> dpglobal.hxx (useless) pivotsh.hxx --> shellids.hxx (useless) pntlock.hxx --> rangelst.hxx (useless) postit.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) preview.hxx --> markdata.hxx (useless) prevloc.hxx --> address.hxx (replace with forward decl) prevwsh.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) prevwsh.hxx --> shellids.hxx (useless) prnsave.hxx --> address.hxx (replace with forward decl) qpro.hxx --> filter.hxx (useless) qpro.hxx --> document.hxx (replace with forward decl) qpro.hxx --> cell.hxx (useless) qpro.hxx --> flttypes.hxx (useless) qpro.hxx --> ftools.hxx (useless) qpro.hxx --> qprostyle.hxx (replace with forward decl) qproform.hxx --> qpro.hxx (useless) qproform.hxx --> compiler.hxx (useless) qprostyle.hxx --> filter.hxx (useless) qprostyle.hxx --> document.hxx (replace with forward decl) qprostyle.hxx --> cell.hxx (useless) qprostyle.hxx --> flttypes.hxx (useless) qprostyle.hxx --> ftools.hxx (useless) queryentry.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) queryparam.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) queryparam.hxx --> scmatrix.hxx (useless) rangelst.hxx --> address.hxx (replace with forward decl) rangeseq.hxx --> scmatrix.hxx (useless) rangeutl.hxx --> address.hxx (replace with forward decl) rangeutl.hxx --> rangenam.hxx (replace with forward decl) rangeutl.hxx --> dbdata.hxx (replace with forward decl) redcom.hxx --> chgtrack.hxx (replace with forward decl) refdata.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) refdata.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) reffact.hxx --> dbfunc.hxx (useless) reftokenhelper.hxx --> token.hxx (useless) refupdat.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) rfindlst.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) root.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) root.hxx --> filter.hxx (useless) root.hxx --> excdefs.hxx (useless) scabstdlg.hxx --> pivot.hxx (replace with forward decl) scabstdlg.hxx --> tabvwsh.hxx (replace with forward decl) scextopt.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) scmatrix.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) scmatrix.hxx --> types.hxx (useless) scmod.hxx --> scdll.hxx (useless) scmod.hxx --> shellids.hxx (useless) scuiasciiopt.hxx --> asciiopt.hxx (replace with forward decl) scuiautofmt.hxx --> autofmt.hxx (replace with forward decl) scuiimoptdlg.hxx --> imoptdlg.hxx (replace with forward decl) segmenttree.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) servobj.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) simplerangelist.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) simpref.hxx --> dbdata.hxx (useless) simpref.hxx --> expftext.hxx (useless) solvrdlg.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) sortdlg.hxx --> scui_def.hxx (useless) sortparam.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) strload.hxx --> scresid.hxx (useless) subtdlg.hxx --> scui_def.hxx (useless) subtotalparam.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) subtotalparam.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) tabbgcolor.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) tabcont.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) table.hxx --> compressedarray.hxx (useless) tabopdlg.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) tabopparams.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) tabpopsh.hxx --> shellids.hxx (useless) tabprotection.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) tabview.hxx --> hiranges.hxx (useless) tabvwsh.hxx --> rangelst.hxx (useless) tabvwsh.hxx --> shellids.hxx (useless) textuno.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) token.hxx --> scmatrix.hxx (useless) tokenarray.hxx --> scmatrix.hxx (useless) tokenuno.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) tokenuno.hxx --> compiler.hxx (replace with forward decl) tokstack.hxx --> compiler.hxx (useless) tokstack.hxx --> tokenarray.hxx (replace with forward decl) tphfedit.hxx --> scitems.hxx (useless) tphfedit.hxx --> popmenu.hxx (replace with forward decl) tpsort.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) transobj.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> scitems.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> rangelst.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> shellids.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> markdata.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> viewopti.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> viewdata.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> document.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> table.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> column.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> markarr.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> viewutil.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> tabview.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> select.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> viewfunc.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> dbfunc.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> target.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> tabvwsh.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> scdll.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> scresid.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> docsh.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> collect.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> scmod.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> conditio.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> uiitems.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> anyrefdg.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> dbdata.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> drwlayer.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> editutil.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> attrib.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> patattr.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> cell.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> drawview.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> reffact.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> rangenam.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> undobase.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> rangeutl.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> fupoor.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> docpool.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> stlpool.hxx (useless) ui_pch.hxx --> inputhdl.hxx (useless) undobase.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) undobase.hxx --> docsh.hxx (replace with forward decl) undoblk.hxx --> viewutil.hxx (useless) undodat.hxx --> rangelst.hxx (useless) undodat.hxx --> pivot.hxx (useless) undorangename.hxx --> rangenam.hxx (replace with forward decl) undotab.hxx --> tabbgcolor.hxx (useless) undoutil.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) unowids.hxx --> scitems.hxx (useless) userdat.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) validate.hxx --> anyrefdg.hxx (useless) vbaassistant.hxx --> excelvbahelper.hxx (useless) vbaaxistitle.hxx --> vbatitle.hxx (useless) vbachartobjects.hxx --> excelvbahelper.hxx (useless) vbacharttitle.hxx --> vbatitle.hxx (useless) vbacomments.hxx --> excelvbahelper.hxx (useless) vbacomments.hxx --> vbacomment.hxx (useless) vbaeventshelper.hxx --> excelvbahelper.hxx (useless) vbaeventshelper.hxx --> rangelst.hxx (useless) vbaformatcondition.hxx --> vbacondition.hxx (useless) vbaglobals.hxx --> excelvbahelper.hxx (useless) vbaoleobjects.hxx --> excelvbahelper.hxx (useless) vbapane.hxx --> excelvbahelper.hxx (useless) vbapivottable.hxx --> excelvbahelper.hxx (useless) vbapivottables.hxx --> excelvbahelper.hxx (useless) vbapropvalue.hxx --> excelvbahelper.hxx (useless) vbarange.hxx --> vbaquerytable.hxx (useless) vbarange.hxx --> vbaformat.hxx (useless) vbastyle.hxx --> vbaformat.hxx (useless) vbatextboxshape.hxx --> excelvbahelper.hxx (useless) vbatextboxshape.hxx --> vbacharacters.hxx (useless) vbatitle.hxx --> excelvbahelper.hxx (useless) vbatitle.hxx --> vbainterior.hxx (useless) vbatitle.hxx --> vbafont.hxx (useless) vbatitle.hxx --> vbapalette.hxx (useless) vbawindow.hxx --> vbaworkbook.hxx (useless) vbawindows.hxx --> excelvbahelper.hxx (useless) vbaworkbooks.hxx --> excelvbahelper.hxx (useless) vbaworksheet.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) vbaworksheets.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) vbawsfunction.hxx --> vbarange.hxx (useless) viewdata.hxx --> viewopti.hxx (replace with forward decl) viewfunc.hxx --> tabbgcolor.hxx (useless) viewuno.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) viewutil.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) xcl97esc.hxx --> xlescher.hxx (useless) xcl97rec.hxx --> xcl97esc.hxx (replace with forward decl) xcl97rec.hxx --> xlstyle.hxx (useless) XclExpChangeTrack.hxx --> bigrange.hxx (useless) XclExpChangeTrack.hxx --> chgtrack.hxx (replace with forward decl) XclExpChangeTrack.hxx --> xelink.hxx (useless) XclExpChangeTrack.hxx --> ftools.hxx (useless) XclImpChangeTrack.hxx --> xistream.hxx (replace with forward decl) XclImpChangeTrack.hxx --> imp_op.hxx (useless) xechart.hxx --> xlformula.hxx (useless) xechart.hxx --> xlstyle.hxx (useless) xechart.hxx --> xestring.hxx (useless) xecontent.hxx --> xlcontent.hxx (useless) xecontent.hxx --> xeformula.hxx (useless) xehelper.hxx --> xestring.hxx (useless) xelink.hxx --> markdata.hxx (useless) xelink.hxx --> xllink.hxx (useless) xelink.hxx --> xehelper.hxx (useless) xelink.hxx --> xeformula.hxx (replace with forward decl) xelink.hxx --> externalrefmgr.hxx (useless) xename.hxx --> xlname.hxx (useless) xename.hxx --> xlformula.hxx (useless) xerecord.hxx --> xestream.hxx (replace with forward decl) xestream.hxx --> xlstream.hxx (useless) xestream.hxx --> xestring.hxx (useless) xestring.hxx --> xlstring.hxx (useless) xetable.hxx --> xltable.hxx (useless) xetable.hxx --> xestring.hxx (useless) xetable.hxx --> xeformula.hxx (useless) xichart.hxx --> rangelst.hxx (useless) xichart.hxx --> token.hxx (useless) xichart.hxx --> xlstyle.hxx (useless) xichart.hxx --> xistring.hxx (useless) xicontent.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) xicontent.hxx --> xlcontent.hxx (useless) xicontent.hxx --> xistring.hxx (useless) xicontent.hxx --> validat.hxx (useless) xiescher.hxx --> xistring.hxx (useless) xihelper.hxx --> scmatrix.hxx (useless) xihelper.hxx --> xistring.hxx (useless) xilink.hxx --> scmatrix.hxx (useless) xiname.hxx --> xlname.hxx (useless) xiname.hxx --> xistream.hxx (replace with forward decl) xiname.hxx --> rangenam.hxx (useless) xistream.hxx --> xlstream.hxx (useless) xistream.hxx --> xlconst.hxx (useless) xistring.hxx --> xlstring.hxx (useless) xistyle.hxx --> patattr.hxx (useless) xistyle.hxx --> xladdress.hxx (useless) xlconst.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) xlescher.hxx --> fapihelper.hxx (useless) xlescher.hxx --> xlstyle.hxx (useless) xlformula.hxx --> ftools.hxx (useless) xlpage.hxx --> xltools.hxx (useless) xlpivot.hxx --> ftools.hxx (useless) xlpivot.hxx --> dpobject.hxx (useless) xlroot.hxx --> xltools.hxx (useless) xlstream.hxx --> ftools.hxx (useless) xlstring.hxx --> ftools.hxx (useless) xltools.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) xltools.hxx --> ftools.hxx (useless) xltracer.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) xltracer.hxx --> xltools.hxx (useless) xlview.hxx --> ftools.hxx (useless) xmlcelli.hxx --> XMLDetectiveContext.hxx (useless) xmlcelli.hxx --> XMLCellRangeSourceContext.hxx (replace with forward decl) XMLConverter.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) XMLConverter.hxx --> detfunc.hxx (useless) XMLConverter.hxx --> detdata.hxx (useless) xmldpimp.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) xmldpimp.hxx --> dpobject.hxx (replace with forward decl) xmldpimp.hxx --> dpsave.hxx (replace with forward decl) xmldrani.hxx --> dbdata.hxx (replace with forward decl) XMLExportDataPilot.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) XMLExportIterator.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) XMLExportSharedData.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) xmlfilti.hxx --> xmldrani.hxx (replace with forward decl) xmlfilti.hxx --> xmldpimp.hxx (replace with forward decl) xmlfilti.hxx --> queryentry.hxx (replace with forward decl) xmlimprt.hxx --> global.hxx (useless) xmlimprt.hxx --> xmlstyle.hxx (useless) xmlimprt.hxx --> XMLDetectiveContext.hxx (replace with forward decl) xmlnexpi.hxx --> address.hxx (useless) xmlsorti.hxx --> xmldrani.hxx (replace with forward decl) XMLStylesImportHelper.hxx --> rangelst.hxx (useless) XMLStylesImportHelper.hxx --> simplerangelist.hxx (useless) xmlstyli.hxx --> xmlimprt.hxx (replace with forward decl) xmltabi.hxx --> externalrefmgr.hxx (useless) XMLTableMasterPageExport.hxx --> xmlexprt.hxx (replace with forward decl) XMLTrackedChangesContext.hxx --> XMLChangeTrackingImportHelper.hxx (replace with forward decl) XMLTrackedChangesContext.hxx --> chgtrack.hxx (useless) Counting number of times each file is included... Showing top 20% files (136.3): address.hxx: 355 ftools.hxx: 225 global.hxx: 195 xlconst.hxx: 108 xltools.hxx: 84 xlroot.hxx: 79 excelvbahelper.hxx: 67 flttypes.hxx: 50 excdefs.hxx: 49 XMLDetectiveContext.hxx: 49 XMLTableShapeResizer.hxx: 47 xmlstyle.hxx: 45 xmlsubti.hxx: 45 xiroot.hxx: 42 xmlimprt.hxx: 42 xlstring.hxx: 40 vbapalette.hxx: 36 xeroot.hxx: 35 root.hxx: 33 xestring.hxx: 33 fapihelper.hxx: 31 xlstream.hxx: 29 rangelst.hxx: 27 xladdress.hxx: 26 IAnyRefDialog.hxx: 25 types.hxx: 25 XMLConverter.hxx: 24 anyrefdg.hxx: 23 viewdata.hxx: 23 scmatrix.hxx: 21 vbaformat.hxx: 21 csvsplits.hxx: 20 xlstyle.hxx: 20 xestream.hxx: 19 xerecord.hxx: 18 vbaquerytable.hxx: 17 xlformula.hxx: 17 dpcachetable.hxx: 16 AccessibleContextBase.hxx: 15 vbarange.hxx: 15 xmlexprt.hxx: 15 vbaglobals.hxx: 14 viewutil.hxx: 14 fupoor.hxx: 13 rangenam.hxx: 13 dptypes.hxx: 12 select.hxx: 12 vbafont.hxx: 12 csvcontrol.hxx: 11 hiranges.hxx: 11 refdata.hxx: 11 xeformula.hxx: 11 docsh.hxx: 10 tabview.hxx: 10 vbainterior.hxx: 10 xmldrani.hxx: 10 fudraw.hxx: 9 vbaworkbook.hxx: 9 dpoutput.hxx: 8 token.hxx: 8 tokstack.hxx: 8 viewfunc.hxx: 8 xistream.hxx: 8 xmlstyli.hxx: 8 colrowst.hxx: 7 namebuff.hxx: 7 otlnbuff.hxx: 7 scui_def.hxx: 7 vbacharacters.hxx: 7 dbfunc.hxx: 6 dptablecache.hxx: 6 excrecds.hxx: 6 formel.hxx: 6 fuconstr.hxx: 6 undobase.hxx: 6 vbacomment.hxx: 6 vbatitle.hxx: 6 vbaworksheet.hxx: 6 xistyle.hxx: 6 xlescher.hxx: 6 XMLCellRangeSourceContext.hxx: 6 xmldpimp.hxx: 6 XMLTableShapeImportHelper.hxx: 6 dpglobal.hxx: 5 dptabdat.hxx: 5 drawsh.hxx: 5 imp_op.hxx: 5 markarr.hxx: 5 refreshtimer.hxx: 5 vbaapplication.hxx: 5 vbachart.hxx: 5 vbacondition.hxx: 5 vbanames.hxx: 5 vbaworksheets.hxx: 5 xistring.hxx: 5 XMLChangeTrackingImportHelper.hxx: 5 XMLExportSharedData.hxx: 5 XMLStylesImportHelper.hxx: 5 column.hxx: 4 compressedarray.hxx: 4 docshimp.hxx: 4 externalrefmgr.hxx: 4 optutil.hxx: 4 scdll.hxx: 4 shellids.hxx: 4 sortparam.hxx: 4 target.hxx: 4 vbafiledialogselecteditems.hxx: 4 xmlannoi.hxx: 4 xmlcelli.hxx: 4 xmlconti.hxx: 4 XMLExportIterator.hxx: 4 xmltabi.hxx: 4 brdcst.hxx: 3 cellsuno.hxx: 3 csvgrid.hxx: 3 csvruler.hxx: 3 excscen.hxx: 3 expftext.hxx: 3 funcutl.hxx: 3 pivot.hxx: 3 scmod.hxx: 3 table.hxx: 3 tabopparams.hxx: 3 typedstrdata.hxx: 3 vbaborders.hxx: 3 vbachartobject.hxx: 3 vbachartobjects.hxx: 3 vbacomments.hxx: 3 vbaformatcondition.hxx: 3 vbahyperlinks.hxx: 3 vbamenu.hxx: 3 vbaname.hxx: 3 vbaoleobject.hxx: 3 vbapivottable.hxx: 3 vbastyle.hxx: 3 vbastyles.hxx: 3
Description: Binary data
Description: Perl program