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Am Donnerstag, 23. Februar 2012, 11:24:00 schrieb Michael Meeks:
On Thu, 2012-02-23 at 11:07 +0100, Helmar Spangenberg wrote:
In the meantime I am a step further - having found some very annoying
things: The recent MinGW cross tool chain supplied for SuSE 12.1
(64bit) seems to be broken - at least with regards to the LibreOffice

      Are you not using Fridrich's toolchain / bits from here:

      All the best,


Ok, it really seems that the SuSE 12.1 (64 bit) toolchain is broken - on 
another computer I had the same problems.

Anyway - using the older toolchain I got a working testing environment and 
proceded a little bit. I have the impression that the difficulties rise 
building the local context. As far as I could debug it, everything looks fine 
until a UnoUrlResolver instance shall be created using the local context. That 
fails - obviously when checking "".

So my guess is, the created local context is incomplete.

Checking a little further, it seems that the file "uno.ini" in my actual 
working directory is analyzed to set up te local context (unfortunately I do 
not understand the entries in that file - any hint?); but a little bit further 
down in the code my debugs signal a NULL context, so that something else is 
created as local context.

I tried to find out where the ini-file is analyzed and/or the local context is 
created, but I got stuck  - the code as a whole is somewhat confusing...
Is there anybody who can tell where I should seek to find the context creation 



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