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Hi Cor,

On 2012-02-20 at 17:44 +0100, Cor Nouws wrote:

    Anyhow - I don't see a special case for bending the rules of triple
reviews, nor a reason to refuse it if it gets that widespread
support :-) it's a nice fix.
Thanks, that sounds encouraging.
As written: going for 3.5.2 means two reviews needed?!
Nope, still 3 I am afraid :-( - after the feature freeze, before we even
needed 1 review for pushing to the libreoffice-3-5 branch, it was 3
reviews for a feature or two that got in few days after the feature
freeze (I remember the SmartArt import).

Otherwise, as I already wrote you on the IRC - I for sure won't veto it
if we get the reviews :-) - unfortunately I cannot review myself in the
following few days.



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