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Hi Rainer,

you wrote:
That's a fruitfully source, we should check that systematically.

absolutely - just did for the presentation bugs, those which I could
test (one had a non-public bug document) are fixed for LibO.
Leave a comment in AOOo bug concerning your result:
"LibO also affected"
"LibO not affected"
If you use exactly those strings we can avoid double work easily
with a clever query, oyu find it on my Workbench

Hmm - any other way here, without having to pollute a foreign
bugtracker with LibO-specifics? A static list in the wiki maybe?

May be you have ideas to improve the query to include more AOOo
iissue with big probability that LibO also is affected?

Hard to tell - also, my hunch would be (given the limited sample
from above), that many of those obvious bugs are fixed here? ;)


-- Thorsten

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