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On 13-02-12, Rene Engelhard  <> wrote:

first of all: thanks for this effort, which should have been done when this
lucene dependency was introduced in the first place in OOo times.


On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 04:17:49PM +0100, Radek Doulik wrote:
   * This implementation is using the master branch of CLucene's git, 
with clucene-contribs-lib enabled (for CJK support). The released 
version of CLucene is compatible with Lucene 1.9.x, whereas LibreOffice 
uses Lucene 2.3.

This is bad. Will that get somewhen released? And is the clucene-contribs-lib
included? (And if separate, how hard is to enable it? Patching it into "proper"
clucene is a no-go.)

As Radek says, we should (if it was only me: must) support building
against "standard" libclucene. And relying on a git snapshot is bad...

I can't guess at if or when there will be a clucene release. However the released version is 
ancient, and the developers themselves say the git version is stable and should be used. On the 
other hand, I don't think distributions carry it. I could look into using the released 
1.9.x-compatible version instead, but I expect there was a reason for using Lucene 2.3.x. There is 
a tag for clucene-src- for which there are also tarballs on the sourceforge page. We could 
depend on that version -- it is a small dependency and takes under a minute to build.

Regarding the contribs: it is part of their git repository, and can be enabled as part of the 
standard build.

   * Can someone help to figure out how to make CLucene part of the LO 
build process? CLucene is using CMake and there seems to be no way to 
'make install' the clucene-contribs-lib, so this might be tricky.

This usually done like this, you either use system libraries if
available or build the package (CLucene in this case) inside LO build
tree. Look into, search for cairo for example. Cairo is
graphic library where we link against system one or build one inside LO.
Giving Cc to _rene_ and pmladek who know a lot about build process.


But he didn't post *any* makefile, so trying to write a configure check
is moot right now anyways ;-)

I'm planning to work on that later today. (But also see the post by Caolan, which you may have 




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