On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 4:12 PM, Alexander Thurgood
<alex.thurgood@gmail.com> wrote:
Le 09/01/12 15:51, Christian Lohmaier a écrit :
Hi Christian,
It is only required if you want to build the documentation from the
source-files. So for release-builds: yes, it is required. For the
casual developer: No, not required, and you don't usually build the
SDK in that case at all.
Ah, thanks for that, most useful, but doesn't the SDK need to be built
if you are building extensions, [...]
Yes, and that's why I wrote it is required for release-builds. But
unless you publish your LibreOffice SDK/ODK package for download, then
you are free to build the ODK without generated documentation.
So when you build you can:
* skip building the SDK/ODK altogether: --disable-odk (that's what
most devs will use, along --disable-binfilter)
* build the SDK/ODK, but without generated documentation:
--without-doxygen The resulting package is perfectly fine for your
personal use and will work to develop extensions, but doesn't contain
the html-documentation and hence not suitable for distribution.
* build the SDK/ODK with the generated documentation: Only this
requires doxygen installed on the buildsystem.
An extension developer doesn't need to build LibreOffice - he/she can
just download the SDK from www.libreoffice.org and won't need doxygen.
- Re: [Libreoffice] Doxygen for C/C++ URE Documentation (continued)
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