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Andreas Radke píše v St 14. 12. 2011 v 22:48 +0100:
build is done in a clean chroot each time. shouldn't be a problem. the
beta0 built fine here.

the only difference to beta0 is the changed internal libvisio src bump.
tried autoconf/autoreconf and make -j1 install without luck :(

It is really strange. Tomas have problems to reproduce it as well. It
happened him when he did a clean build. It did not happen when he tried
to reproduce it as root.

Could you please try to run installation twice in the chroot as a normal

Could you please try to do it as root?

Also you might try to pass -log and --debug options to the call. Just edit solenv/bin/ooinstall in the ODK/SDK
part. It will produce many logs in instsetoo_native/unxlng??.pro. You
might try to search them for anything interesting.

Best Regards,


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