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On Tue, 2011-12-13 at 12:23 -0800, Joel Madero wrote:
So is this not a bug then? It seems to me that going back to a space
seems much more functional as the default makes it so that the look of
the bullets/outline is very sloppy.
        Ah - if the look in outline mode is very sloppy - then that's a bug we
ought to fix :-)

 If it is a bug, I'm still interested in tracking down the code
responsible and altering it. This will be my first attempt to
contribute to LO and it's been an ongoing annoyance for me as I
outline a lot. Thanks for the input from both of you
        Sure - so, IIRC the tab based bullet indents is a huge interoperability
win (do read through Regina's nice links though). But clearly if the
result is ugly, then we need to do more intelligent tab placement I
suspect, and it'd be great to poke the code to work out how best that
can be done.



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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