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Hi Astron,

On Mon, 2011-12-12 at 15:44 +0100, Stefan Knorr (Astron) wrote:
Michael's suggestion sounds great to me.

If I may make another suggestion, is there a way to move most of
../default_images to ../ooo_custom_images/galaxy. Then,
        So - I guess you want to use 'git mv' to move them around, and ensure
that you commit without altering the files: then git should track the
move nicely.

../ooo_custom_images could be renamed to ../themes, so things would
look a bit more orderly...
        Yep - sounds fine to me; why not try it in a branch, and target at

Another thing: all the Industrial icons we don't need (because we have
Tango/Galaxy replacements for them) could also be removed, then.
        Yes - are there such things ? conversely, if we could be sure that
there are no icons that other themes eg. crystal etc. rely on that are
not also inheritable from tango, we could just flatten industrial into
tango ;-)

        I guess some hacks to packimages/ should sort that out I think; it is
possible that the rsc compiler also has that default_images path
hard-coded to check the images are in fact there; but a git grep would
find all the hits you need to cleanup I think.



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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