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On 05.10.2011 12:23, Michael Meeks wrote:
Hi Michael.

On Tue, 2011-10-04 at 11:55 +0200, Michael Stahl wrote:
is there a plan to integrate the outstanding OOo CWSes into LibO?

      We are considering how best to do this.

- calc67
- calc68

      As a general rule we're very nervous of non-expert merging calc CWS'
they need careful review and preferably approval by Kohei & team.

i believe the same is true for the writer :)

we'd need to somehow distribute the integrated changes to the most
knowledgeable (in some area) developers.  that's why i thought something
like gerrit would be helpful.

i guess we should take a look and merge anything looking useful into
master, then see what breaks :)

      An unthinking merge is (I think) not helpful. For licensing reasons, we
would want to re-use an Apache merge, yet their licensing situation is
not that clear: it appears they are still distributing and creating
LGPLv3-only licensed code.

i don't see a licensing problem here: if the code is already integrated at
Apache then presumably it will be re-licensed to AL2 at some point; it is
all owned by Oracle anyway.

right now it is LGPLv3 only, but in that respect it is no different from
the millions of lines of currently LGPLv3-only Oracle-owned code we
already have.

so, this is different from accepting a LGPLv3-only patch by a random
contributor, because in that case we cannot assume that it will be
re-licensed, but with stuff that's already integrated at AOOo i think we can.

      So - in general, I'd really prefer not to try to tackle this now,
though it'd be good to discuss it at some stage.




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