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On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 4:55 AM, Michael Stahl <> wrote:

over at ApacheOOo, the following CWSes with a 3.4 target have been
integrated on top of that:

I counted about 205-210 commits so far. a good chunk related to
There is 109 I haven't looked at yet. Out the one I looked at, I
counted 15 that seems to be something we want to look at. The rest
either are not relevant to lo or are already fixed (same patch or
different solution, depending) in LO.
Of course these are my non-expert numbers (I may have been wrong in
some instance when considering that a patch is n/a ) hence see below

perhaps we could use something like gerrit for reviewing the changes
(Bjoern wanted to set this up, right)?

That would be indeed nice to get a better review (more eyes involved).
but still the patches would have to be whipped into shape to apply.
I've been dabbling with accfixes2, and I found it faster and safer to
re-do the changes manually than try to get partial apply and then
(I also re-order / merge / split patches to get them to compile at
each step... do maintain bisect-ability as much as I can).



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