Hi Matúš, On Monday, 2011-08-15 13:50:44 +0200, Matúš Kukan wrote:
I'm trying to build bigger libraries
What would be the benefit of that in this specific case?
but I have small problem with ItemHolder2. It's implemented in svl/source/config/itemholder2.cxx and also in svtools/source/config/itemholder2.cxx. The one in svtools seems to be more general but svtools's library is linking against the svl one.
They implement exclusively different sets regarding the items of the configuration parts in {svl,svtools}/source/config/ Maybe history sheds some light here: svl was factored out from svtools and contains the parts that do not need vcl. I think lumping them together again actually is not a good idea. Eike -- PGP/OpenPGP/GnuPG encrypted mail preferred in all private communication. Key ID: 0x293C05FD - 997A 4C60 CE41 0149 0DB3 9E96 2F1A D073 293C 05FD
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