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On Fri, 29 Jul 2011 12:21:10 +0100
Michael Meeks <>

      Which reminds me; why are we not checking in configure for
make 2.82 ? IIRC there was some to/fro on that - but I forget the
result; not checking for a make with the fix we need is a tad odd
right ?
Yes, there seems to be a hard to reproduce error in variable expansion
in gnu make 3.82. I gitified the gnu make cvs and created the attached
script for bisecting. However, I am not even sure I cant trigger the
error with that. One run of gnu make test on my tree takes ~40 secs, so
100 runs are ~1 hours. There are 115 revisions between 3.81 and 3.82 so
it should take about 7 hours (if the test is reliable) to find the
offending change. From that I hope it would be rather easy.




Attachment: bisectmake
Description: Binary data


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