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Hi Norbert, *,

On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 3:47 PM, Norbert Thiebaud <> wrote:
Caveat: Like tml_ I don't consider myself a 'Mac' developer... just a
Dev that happen to own a Mac.

That being said, Christian is the person that need convincing.
Oh, I don't consider myself any more Mac developer than you - I happen
to have a PPC with 10.4 on it, so I'm affected (and I definitely won't
update it to 10.5)

I happened to be quite involved of getting rid of external
dependencies on Mac, to compile against the SDK, but that's about it.
Apart from a few bugfixes here and there and making it possible to
uses internal python, I haven't been involved in any actual porting

I just find that "drop it because it is old" is not enough reason to
drop 10.4 support.

And raising it to 10.5 won't help anything if you want to use 10.7
features. You then have to provide different codepaths as well, and
need runtime detection for that unless you want to release separate
builds for different versions of Mac OS X - so where's the point?
Where's the benefit of lifting the baseline to 10.5?

The only effect is that you drop support for 10.4 - but I fail to see
any positive effect (apart from the builder not having to install an
"old" version of XCode that comes with the 10.4 SDK - but that again
doesn't count as a reason for me)



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