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Hi Kendy,

On Fri, 2011-05-27 at 07:43 +0200, Jan Holesovsky wrote:
here is a short patch that sets all specified borders during parsing
instead of only one border. The problem was that nBorderTyp was set
for every border with the correct value but SetBorderLine was only
called once after the do while loop. So now every time nBorderType
will be overriden, I call SetBorderLine.

If this patch is ok I think we should add it to the 3-4 branch.
Cedric already approved the patch, 
Well, I haven't actually pushed the patch (had to check as I wasn't
sure). I was about to do it but I found some remaining problems with
some border properties not being copied properly (width for example).

but I am wondering - before, the
nBorderTyp was set only when bTableDef was true; after your patch, it is
set regardless of the bTableDef value.  Is that correct, or should that
be in a block?  If it is correct, can you please also change the
indentation of the nBorderTyp = XYZ; part so that it does not look as if
it is supposed to be part of the if ( bTableDef )?
I'll to have a look at that... I can't remember the reason of this, but
it looks weird to me. IMHO setting it in all cases should be better...
but I need to dive again into RTF specs and that parser code (that I
partly rewrote some time ago)

Cédric Bosdonnat
LibreOffice hacker
OOo Eclipse Integration developer


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