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Hi Christian, *,:
On 2011-05-09, at 12:56 PM, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
Hi Peter, *,
On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 6:36 PM, Peter Teeson <> wrote:
On 2011-05-09, at 6:02 AM, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 2:35 AM, Peter Teeson <> wrote:
regarding 10.6 SDK: Well, this surely will drop compatibility with
10.4 and also 10.5, so why would anyone want that?

I don't understand why you think it would drop 10.4 compatibility?
Please explain if I'm wrong but wouldn't It simply be an option?
I explained that in the thread I linked to.
Yes I carefully re-read that thread.

Active Target is 10.4 or 10.6? You build what you want.
My wife still uses my old G4 867Mhz and Tiger (10.4).
So I think having a Tiger version is fine.
Bottom line is: I don't see there is enough people to support both
versions, especially as the people who can contribute are using the
newer versions themselves.
I believe I really understand what you are saying.

Perhaps newer capabilites would not be able to be implemented for Tiger.
But moving forward need not be constrained to Tiger. We can have both.
This is what I doubt.

Can I assume you are using or have used Xcode?
If so then you know one can have Project settings and also settings for specificTargets based on 
different SDK's. And hence different builds.

Of course there is the implication that the source code needs the appropriate if defs.
But the present source must already be riddled with them - to our sorrow.

If I were to dream I would think of a procedure whereby there was pre-processing to extract
from the universal source code just that subset for a given platform. And from that point on the 
only if defs would be e.g. support for 10.4 vs 10.5 vs 10.6.

(Mind you my personal opinion is that 10.5 was Apples Vista).

Anyway just musing at this point - although it might be fun to do a test.




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