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2011/5/8 Xisco Faulí <>:
My task during the GSOC period is going to be the conversion of the Wizard
menus into python.
I met Björn Michäelsen last monday and we decided, on broad lines, the
course to follow. First I'll create a basic fax design using pyuno, then
I'll make it customized and finally I'll create the GUI. Once the fax wizard
is done, I'll move on with the other wizards.
I wonder if it would be possible to generate fax templates runtime
from the locale data (page size, date format) and from localized
strings. This way we could get rid of the numerous template files in
our packages, and we could have them localized easier. I know it's out
of scope of the original project. :) I just wanted to let you know
about this. I can help you in all localization related problems.

Best regards,


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