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At 8:45am -0500 Mon, 07 Mar 2011, Francois Tigeot wrote:
I would suspect something like file-locking to be a problem here.
Do you have an 'strace' equivalent you can use to see what syscalls
fail ?
truss is the strace equivalent but it stops printing anything after
the initial LibO launch. There's nothing shown when I save a file.
Does truss have the ability to follow child processes?  It's been 
awhile, but I believe strace has this capability via -ff and -o.  You'll 
know your man page better than me of course, but I was able to find this 
from a few years ago in my Bash history:
$ strace  -ffo  /tmp/$DEVNAME  $DEVBIN

Which I believe created a bunch of files in strace output files in /tmp.

In other words, LO forks itself a number of times, which is why when you run it from the command line without backgrounding it, it returns control to the shell almost immediately.



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