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Title: Szalai Kálmán
Hi Folks,

Following the advices of Michael, I pushed these to the master:

I hope it is OK for all of us.

Maybe it can be useful for -3-3 and -3-3-2 too.


2011-03-01 11:04 keltezéssel, Michael Meeks írta:
Hi Wols,

On Tue, 2011-03-01 at 00:21 +0000, Wols Lists wrote:
I checked on wikipedia after I posted and Huffman is actually SIXTY
years old! Set as a class project, and published in 1952.
	I tried to gently correct your thesis that Huffman is -the- optimal
compression algorithm for all things; it may be for a specific
symbol-by-symbol case, but in real-world use cases it can clearly be
improved on. In my (contrived) case the "save as a perl script" gives a
massive compression advantage, QED.

So zip should be tricky to beat for compression if it actually uses
Huffman, although I would expect it to take ages.
	Again - wikipedia states so, my experience says so - why don't you
think it does ? :-)



KAMI911Best regards,

Kálmán „KAMI” Szalai | 神 | kami911 [at] gmail [dot] com

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