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Hi Caolan
On 15/02/11 16:17, Noel Power wrote:
On 15/02/11 15:28, Michael Meeks wrote:
    Which it doesn't, so good catch; Noel we should fix that :-)
well as it turns out it does, rtl_string_ImplAlloc always creates a buffer 1 bigger than the requested len and stuffs a '\0' in it. Strange but true. Still this was fun ( in a torturous way ) and luckily I haven't had a heart attack yet. In short I think it will work
needless to say I did in fact assume that OUString/OString(s) were ordinarily inherently null terminated and I thought your orig question was asking whether it was possible we send in any 'funny' strings ( ala bags of bytes in a string container etc. ) into the dllmgr. My answer was was based on the fact that all strings we pass in are in fact 'proper' strings parsed out of the source code. Of course it looks like I answered the wrong question and was wrong again because these things are in fact not (really) null terminated ( despite the years of printing these out telling me otherwise ). I wasn't intentionally trying to mislead you, sorry 'bout that. Of course in the end it seems that 'rtl_string_ImplAlloc' explains why printing always works and why the patch shouldn't be a problem




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